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Editorial: Caribbean tourism

In what could prove to be an interesting precursor of the value of joining the Caribbean Community, Bermuda has been asked to be part of the Caricom/Caribbean Tourism Organisation advertising campaign aimed at reversing the dramatic tourism downturn which has afflicted the region since September 11.

Supporters of closer connections with the Caribbean argue that Bermuda could get more bang for its buck by being part of a larger advertising effort which would reach more homes and potential visitors than any campaign funded only by Bermuda could.

Against that is the risk that Bermuda as an individual destination would be lost in the clutter of a campaign that is attempting to promote dozens of different destinations.

And there are those who argue that Bermuda's image is different from that of most Caribbean destinations; this campaign would add to the confusion of people who cannot differentiate between Bermuda and the Bahamas, for example.

Certainly Opposition Leader Grant Gibbons is correct when he states that Bermuda's high season is different.

The Caribbean campaign is already delayed due to creative problems but should roll out in February.

While there are no details on what the creative problems are, getting agreement between all the Caribbean tourism departments cannot be easy.

Government has agreed to pay for part of the campaign but is unhappy with the size of the contribution it has been asked to make. Dr. Gibbons has said he understands the figure is in the hundred thousand dollars. Government has not given the exact figure.

The community must consider if this experience - too high a price tag for an undefined, and possibly indefinable, reward - will typify everything Bermuda does with the Caribbean Community.