‘Unsung tourism hero’ honoured
A senior who took it upon himself to tidy Government property so it looks better for tourists has been honoured with a new award.Wilfred Furbert, 73, was named yesterday as the first recipient of the “Unsung Heroes” awards, which are the brainchild of Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert.The Minister explained: “Mr Furbert is recognised for his efforts to create a welcoming environment for our visitors to learn about our history and culture. His contribution to clearing and cleaning the area overlooking the former limestone quarry at Cut Road in St George’s has provided a scenic area for visitors and tour operators to share the rich traditions of Bermuda.”After receiving the award, the recipient, who lives in Cut Road, told The Royal Gazette he moved to the area in 2006 and used to park his car at the former quarry.Explaining his decision to keep the grass and trees cut back and tidy up the litter, he said: “I saw taxi drivers stopping there and thought that I would keep the area clean as they were showing the tourists how we cut the limestone for our roofs. Like the song says, I am proud to be a Bermudian.”Mr Furbert is a widower who spent his career in the commercial dry cleaning industry and has five children and 13 grandchildren.He said of the award: “I am very grateful. I will continue doing what I am doing as long as the Lord gives me the strength.”The Minister praised his namesake for his efforts, and explained: “The aim of this programme is to recognise individuals in our community that do not directly work within the tourism industry but carry out deeds that impact the industry directly or indirectly. Unsung Heroes will be recognised on a quarterly basis.”