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Gang-related penalty increases to be debated

A law increasing the penalties for people committing gang-related offences is scheduled for debate in the House of Assembly today.The Criminal Code Amendment Act, being pushed by National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief, also seeks to make it an offence to instruct a gang member to commit a crime.It is the latest in a string of anti-gang initiatives from Mr Perinchief, who announced his intention to legislate against gang membership from the beginning of his term as National Security Minister in April 2011.On a busy day in the House, MPs will also discuss amendments to the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, and the Merchant Shipping (ILO) Amendment Act, which will mean ship owners have greater responsibility providing medical care for those working on their vessel.A string of finance-related bills are listed for possible debate: the Insurance Amendment (No 2) Act, the Banks and Deposit Companies Amendment Act, the Investment Business Amendment Act and the Trust (Regulation of Trust Business) Amendment Act.