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Trial begins today for three men charged with attempted murder

The trial of three men charged with attempted murder is due to start today before Puisne Judge Norma Wade Miller. Harron Lee Powell Evans, Akono Shakir Parsons and Davon Michael Marson watched the jury sworn in yesterday morning before their case was adjourned for the day.

The Pembroke trio deny attempting to murder Kuma Smith on January 5, 2005.

Evans, 30, of Till?s Hill, faces further charges of possessing an offensive weapon and damage. Parsons, 24, of Deepdale Road East, is also accused of possessing an offensive weapon, damage and common assault, while Marson, 28, of Happy Valley Lane, is charged with possessing an offensive weapon. The three defendants deny all charges against them.

Evans is represented by Victoria Pearman, Marson by Elizabeth Christopher and Parsons by Rick Woolridge. Crown counsel Carrington Mahoney is prosecuting.