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Anniversary Club

Andre Castle, of Marsh Folly Road, Hamilton Parish, who celebrated his birthday recently.Carol-Ann (Pinky) Harvey, of Winton Manor, Hamilton Parish, who celebrates her birthday today.Tony Harkness, of 11 King's Lane North, Khyber Pass, Warwick Parish who celebrates his 60th birthday today.


Congratulations to:

Andre Castle, of Marsh Folly Road, Hamilton Parish, who celebrated his birthday recently.

Carol-Ann (Pinky) Harvey, of Winton Manor, Hamilton Parish, who celebrates her birthday today.

Tony Harkness, of 11 King's Lane North, Khyber Pass, Warwick Parish who celebrates his 60th birthday today.

Jahnae Lanora Harvey who celebrates his 13th birthday today.

Jade Outer, of Railway Trail, Hamilton Parish, who celebrates his 11th birthday today.

Dennis Russell, of 41 Cedar Hill, Warwick, who celebrates his birthday today.

Robert and Kalreta Steede, of 3 McGall's Hill Court, Smith's, who celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary recently.

Erick Trott, of 41 Cedar Hill, Warwick, who celebrates his birthday today.

Mr. and Mrs Allison Thomas, of Radnor Estate, Hamilton Parish, who celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary today.

Kevin Waldron, of Cut Road, St. George's, who celebrates his birthday today.