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Anniversary Club

Kanhai Talbot, of Friswell's Hill, who celebrated a birthday recently.Edith Mills of 47 Happy Valley Road, Devonshire, who celebrated her birthday recently.Bradlyn VanLowe who celebrated her 65th birthday recently.Darlene Van Putten, of Ferry Reach, St. George's, who celebrates her birthday today.

Congratulations to:

Kanhai Talbot, of Friswell's Hill, who celebrated a birthday recently.

Edith Mills of 47 Happy Valley Road, Devonshire, who celebrated her birthday recently.

Bradlyn VanLowe who celebrated her 65th birthday recently.

Darlene Van Putten, of Ferry Reach, St. George's, who celebrates her birthday today.

Lee and Bradlyn VanLowe, who celebrate their wedding anniversary today.

To have a birthday, a recent graduation, special honours, a newborn baby, an engagement announcement or a wedding anniversary listed inthe Anniversary Club, call Ivan I. Smith at 2955-881 ext. 162. (If using voice mail, please spell all names).