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I would just like to point out to Mr. David Williams, of Sandys, that Megrahi was not released by the UK government, but by the Scottish government, and Prime Minister Brown wasn't even part of the equation. They, similarly to Doc Hollywood, went ahead and released him without conferring with the UK.government. I suggest you check BBC online and you will see that the UK government isn't too happy with Scotland at the moment.

Don't accuse the UK

August 28, 2009

Dear Sir,

I would just like to point out to Mr. David Williams, of Sandys, that Megrahi was not released by the UK government, but by the Scottish government, and Prime Minister Brown wasn't even part of the equation. They, similarly to Doc Hollywood, went ahead and released him without conferring with the UK.government. I suggest you check BBC online and you will see that the UK government isn't too happy with Scotland at the moment.

Also, and this has been said time and time again, the furor over the settlement in Bermuda of the Guantanamo detainees had nothing to do with them, neither you nor I know if they have or haven't committed a crime. The furor was over a man who was elected by the people, and is there to serve the people, but who didn't even have enough respect for the people to advise them of his actions, and brought them into our country under the cover of darkness.


St. David's

Larry was a giant

August 28, 2009

Dear Sir,

Your report in the August 27 Royal Gazette on the retirement of Larry Dennis as Auditor General was spot on. In a time when too many civil servants are drones, incompetent or just corrupt, Larry was a superb example of one who devoted his life to public service. His exposures of the financial shenanigans that are now only too commonplace were a wake-up call to every Bermudian.

A major criticism of the PLP Government over the past ten years is that they have largely destroyed the integrity, competence, and incorruptibility that were the hallmark of the Bermuda civil service. This destruction is a loss and tragedy for everyone in Bermuda. Larry was very much the exception – a giant among pygmies.

Fortunately, his replacement Heather Jacobs Matthews is a worthy successor. I have known her since she was a student of mine 40 years ago. She will bring to the job virtues of hard work and incorruptibility, and I wish her every success in her new post.

I also wish, and I hope Larry has a less stressful time during his well-earned retirement.



Thanks to Mr. Dennis

August 27, 2009

Dear Sir,

How extremely fortunate Bermuda has been for 31 years to have had Mr Larry Dennis as Auditor General! His integrity, his persistence in bringing to light suspicious irregularities and opportunities for corruption, and his strength in resisting the egregious pressures brought on to stop him from doing his job have served us all admirably. All honest citizens know that the Island owes him a tremendous vote of thanks.

His successor is stepping into very big shoes. She has been privy to the venomous attacks on Mr. Dennis, and is going to need all her strength and our support to maintain her integrity and fearlessness.

Mr Dennis – thank you. I raise my glass to you and wish you the happiest and most fulfilling of retirements.


Hamilton Parish