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Iron Kids show their mettle

Some 120 junior triathletes battled the heat and humidity in the 15th annual Capital G Iron Kids Triathlon on Saturday.

Seven to ten year-olds completed a 100-yard swim, a two and a half mile bike and a half-mile run, with 11 to 14-year-olds competing over exactly double that distance.

Overall age group champions in the older division were predictably Matthew Godfrey and Caitlin Conyers, both having trained seriously for triathlon for a number of years. Similarly, the younger age group champions were David Lunn and Claire Hawley, both of whom compete regularly in the three-discipline sport.

The overall champions took part in the racing bike division but there were also trophies for all ages in the non-racing bike category, introduced last year to allow riders on regular BMX or mountain bikes to compete amongst themselves.

Taking first places in the non-racing bike division in the younger age group were Michelle Caza, Megan Cameron, Yuki Hoshina, Stevie Chiles, Conor Doherty, Bradley Scarcliffe, Eric Lavigne and Ryan Gunn. The older age group saw Madison O'Beirne and Jonathan Dill take the first place non-racing bike division trophies.

Outside the overall age group champions, Annabella Doyle, Sophie Adams, Nathan Amaral and Alex Godfrey took first places in the racing bike younger age category with Alex's brother, Mark, the closest second place finisher, just nine seconds behind Amaral.

The older racing bike division included many athletes who have already made names for themselves either in triathlon, road running, swimming or cycling.

Eleven year-old winner Kaitlyn Miller is a top junior swimmer while Dorian Armstrong is a major force on the junior running scene. The other winners were Marie-Pierre Bertrand, Ally Bolton, Tim Fox and Thomas Godfrey.

In addition to the 100 trophies and medals handed out to the first three in each category, "Most Improved" awards went to Yuki Hoshina, Martina Edney, Nathan Amaral, Theresia Hinton, Aaron Fenn and Victor Fishington. The latter endured bike problems both this year and last but showed true Iron Kids spirit in battling to the finish.

Next year Matthew Godfrey will be 15, ensuring a new Iron Kids older age group champion on the male side, while Caitlin Conyers has one more year and will almost certainly be back to defend her title.

Full results, see Scoreboard.