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Emerald Financial couple to face jury trials on fraud charges

Facing two court cases: David and Antionette Bolden

A husband and wife facing two separate cases of alleged fraud will have both dealt with by a judge and jury at Supreme Court.

David and Antoinette Bolden, who ran Emerald Financial Capital International Ltd, are said by prosecutors to have knowingly issued misleading documents, and filed information to the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) which was false and misleading.

The alleged offence, under the Investment Business Act, is said to have been committed between September 20, 2008, and October 20, 2008. The pair deny the charges, and elected to have the matter dealt with at Supreme Court.

After a brief administrative hearing on Friday, Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner set the case down for the arraignments session at Supreme Court on May 3.

In a separate case, Mr. Bolden, 47, and his 46-year-old wife face a total of 24 charges of stealing and money laundering relating to funds allegedly taken from the company they founded, Emerald Financial Capital International Ltd. Those offences are alleged to have taken place between May 2007 and January 2009.

The pair, from Harrington Sound Road, Hamilton Parish, deny those charges too. They are indictable only, which means they must be dealt with by the Supreme Court.

The Boldens are represented by lawyer Delroy Duncan on the BMA charges. However, their last Supreme Court hearing on the Emerald Financial matter, on April 1, heard Mr. Duncan had come off the record for that, and their planned Queen's counsel, John Perry, had not been retained.

Chief Justice Richard Ground therefore postponed their April 9 trial in that matter to give them more time to get legal representation. He fixed it for mention on May 3 too, with a new trial date earmarked for June 22.

In the meantime, they remain on bail.