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Bio station contest for 100th birthday

YOUNG artists are wanted to help the Bermuda Biological Station for Research (BBSR) to celebrate its 100th birthday.

As part of its centennial celebrations, the world-renowned marine laboratory is undergoing a refurbishment of its St. George's headquarters.

And the BBSR wants to commission a number of young artists to produce paintings that will be framed and hung on the walls.

To choose the artists, the bio station is holding an art competition, open to young people aged between five and 18, to paint a 100th birthday card.

The picture should describe what the ocean means to you, whether it be crashing waves, creatures of the deep or sandcastles on the beach.

There will be five different age categories (5-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-15 and 16-18) and the winner and two runners-up in each section will be commissioned to produce a painting for the station building.

Each of the 15 winners will be supplied with a professional artist's kit of canvas and oils.

All entries to the competition will be included in an art show at the BBSR in November, which will coincide with an open house to reveal the building's new-look interior to the public.

The competition will run throughout the school summer holidays and participants in summer camps with an art theme are invited to enter.

The deadline for entries will be September 5, judging will take place a week later and the winners will be announced by the end of that month.

Entries should be dropped off to the Bermuda Biological Station for Research in St. George's or at the Royal Gazette / Mid-Ocean News building in Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton.

The artist's name, age and phone number should be written on the back of entries. Any colour medium can be used, including watercolours, pastels, oils and crayons. All drawings must be freestyle and done by hand and no computer generations will be accepted.

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