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Usery to be Labour Day guest speaker

FORMER US Secretary of Labour Bill Usery will be guest speaker at the Labour Day celebrations at Bernard Park on September 2.

Mr. Usery was a member of Gerald Ford's Cabinet in the late 1970s and has served several other presidents in different capacities since.

Under the Nixon administration, he was director of Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services and was the Government's chief mediator of every labour-management dispute of national significance.

And under President Clinton, Mr. Usery served as a member of the Commission on the Future of Worker-Management Relations.

Mr. Usery's visit was organised by the Joint Labour Day Organising Committee, which includes representatives of labour and management.

Activities will include a Bermuda Industrial Union Banquet at the Fairmont Southampton Princess Hotel next Friday, a run and walk starting at 8 a.m. on Monday, September 2, followed by the Labour Day Heritage March from 11.30 a.m. to Bernard Park.