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`They're building a house in my yard' -- Homeowner files writ in St. George's

A writ was filed yesterday over a St. George's land dispute which erupted last week when a woman returned home to find developers building a two-storey house on property she claimed to own.

Lisa Hollis told The Royal Gazette that she arrived home on May 4 at the Wellington Slip property her family had owned and lived on for 61 years to find her front yard was torn up and construction of a two-story house had started on it.

She has now taken out an injunction against developer Alexandre Winston J.

Anglin Swan of Progressive Realty through her lawyer Richard Hector.

Meanwhile Mr. Swan has filed a writ against Ms Hollis through his lawyer Darcy Lord.

Ms Hollis claimed the developers were trespassing and said they had produced some "quirky documents'' to back up their claim the land had been purchased.

She said she launched an objection as soon as work started and the Planning Department's Sheldon Fox inspected the site but had not returned an answer as to how the situation could be resolved.

Mr. Fox declined to comment on the matter when contacted.

Ms Hollis also complained that her driveway was used as access to the site and said she had blocked their excavating machine from getting off the site with her car.

Managing Director of Butterfield, LL Newton Construction, Llewellyn Butterfield, told The Royal Gazette that his workers were confronted by Ms Hollis and she had prevented them from moving their machine to another site.

Mr. Butterfield's company began work on May 4 and he said there was more excavation work to do. But he said he tried to move his machine to another site so his crew could continue working until Ms Hollis' dispute was resolved.

"I have been trying to stay on the sidelines,'' said Mr. Butterfield. "We may have to jump into the fray,'' he continued, "as we are being held hostage to this lady's dispute and being prevented from making our livelihood.'' Ms Hollis said she had protested the development since day one and added: "They think they can come in and railroad me, but I worked in the Properties Department for years and I know the law.'' Mr. Swan did not return calls yesterday.