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Qualifying for assistance

While the Bank of Butterfield Employee Shared Trust (BEST) will consider applications for financial assistance from registered charities or non-profit organisations who can demonstrate a community need within its strict guidelines, it is also specific about who is ineligible to receive donations. These are as follows:

*Endowments, memorials or capital projects

*Fundraising events or advertising

*The purchase or installation of computers, modems, printers, telephones, facsimile machines, wiring, or other equipment, unless it is a small but integral part of a larger project

*Scholarships to individual students

*Non-academic or extra-curricular programmes, such as sports programmes or administrative activities

*General operations or programmes to reduce deficits

*Organisations which channel received funds to third parties

*Organisations with a limited constituency, such as fraternities or veterans' groups and private institutions, although projects which serve the greater community will be considered

*Organisations which limit their services to members of one religious group, or those whose services propagate religious faith or creed, including churches, although projects which serve the greater community will be considered

*Political organisations

*Units of Government and quasi-governmental agencies other than public schools

*Organised non-academic after-school activities such as bands, debate teams, and sports

*Research or feasibility studies

*For-profit ventures

*Individual requests