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Christopher is award's fifth recipient

THE Ewan Sampson Scholarship Trust this week named Christopher Pullen as the fifth recipient of its $12,500 award.

Established in 1998, the scholarship was created as a means through which young Bermudians might be encouraged to learn about the information technology (IT) industry and its opportunities on the island. As such, it is available only to students pursuing their second, third and fourth years of a degree course related to IT.

"It is intended that the amount and prestige of the scholarship will attract the attention of students preparing to enter their first year or second year of college or university," explained ESST Outreach Committee member Lynne Winfield.

"In order for a student to decide whether to apply for the scholarship, the student must learn about the IT industry and find out if he/she might be interested in it. The student will talk with business persons, and with teachers, parents and friends - some of whom may get more information than they give."

The Trust has an endowment goal of $750,000 - the bulk of which has already been raised through pledges, donations and various fund-raising activities - which, when met, will secure financing for future recipients.

SAID Mrs. Winfield: "Much progress has already been made, in fund-raising, and in the 'outreach' purpose of the scholarship. Several tens of thousands of dollars in contributions accumulated in the trustees' bank accounts before fund-raising activities commenced; pledges and donations received now exceed $510,000 - including a generous challenge grant by the Fidelity International Limited Foundation of the last $100,000 of our goal.

"More than half of this $510,000 has come from Bermudian businesses and individuals. We seek pledges towards the remaining $240,000 which will enable us to collect the final $50,000 of Fidelity's challenge grant.

"Payment of a pledge can be spread over several years, if that is helpful - the process succeeds when the commitment is made, and time is now of the essence in obtaining commitments."

The Freemasons' Fund for Bermuda was one of the Trust's first benefactors, and remained a major donor, she added.

"The Freemasons support several charities in Bermuda which we feel are worthy," explained Walter Cross, first vice-president of the Freemasons' Fund. "After every meeting, just about all the (Freemasons) lodges on the isall the Freemasons lodges on the island take up a collection among their members which is put aside for various charities. When we learned of the tragedy that happened with Ewan, we decided to assist with the scholarship fund."

A graduate of Saltus Grammar School, the scholarship's latest recipient is pursuing an Honours degree in Computer Science and Economics at the University of Toronto in Canada, currently studying for his CompTIA A+ certification. As with the previous ESST reciepients, his achievements and aspirations are notable:

l An outstanding performance in the IGCSE/GCSE examinations placed him in the top four per cent of students taking these exams around the world.

l He has attained brown-belt status in karate and acheived both Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

l He has served as a volunteer with the Pembroke Rotary Club, the Bermuda Hospitals Auxiliary Board and the Open Airways Asthma Charity.

l He aspires to form a computer consulting company in Bermuda.

"I'm not on the selection committee but my husband, Tyrone, and I are both very happy to see that a fourth scholar has been chosen," said Penny Sampson, Ewan's mother. "It's especially pleasing to see Christopher selected as I taught him at Saltus when he was five years old."

Last year's Ewan Sampson Scholar, Michelle Walkes, attended the Berkeley Institute and the Bermuda College where she studied computer information systems. In 2001, she enrolled at St. Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia and is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Business Administration. A member of the Bermuda Triangle Association and the Caribbean Society, she attends St. James Church and lists playing the trumpet among her hobbies.

Keiran Bradshaw was selected to receive the scholarship in 2001. A graduate of Saltus Grammar School, he is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Computer Science degree at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia where he is a member of its squash and Christian fellowship clubs.

Del-keesha Hanley was the first Ewan Sampson Scholar - and the only to have graduated thus far. A graduate of Warwick Academy, she received a General Studies Certificate and began the Associates in Business Administration programme at the Bermuda College. In 1997, she enrolled at Mount St. Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, graduating with a Bachelor of Applied of Arts Degree in Information Technology and a Diploma in Business Administration.

Currently employed as a programmer/analyst at XL Re Bermuda Ltd., Ms Hanley is a member of the Computer Society of Bermuda and works actively in the ESST Outreach programme.

For more information on the Ewan Sampson Scholarship Trust or its Outreach Programme, visit www.esst.bm

For those interested in applying for next year's scholarship, selection criteria and application forms can be obtained from the web site or from Winchester Global Trust Company, Colombia House (top floor), 32 Reid Street, PO Box HM 3396, Hamilton HM PX, or via e-mail - Brendaphillipswgt.bm