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Keeping Andrea's dreams alive

Asha Bicarie, the five year old daughter of Andrea Bicarie who died earlier this year when a wall at the Bermuda College collapsed on her car, will have no worries about meeting the high cost of education.

The Friends of Andrea Bicarie have set up a fund, called the Andrea Bicarie Memorial Trust, to make sure that her education is provided for.

Already pledges total about $12,000. The target of $150,000 should pay Asha's educational expenses right through college, said trustee Shelly Hamill.

"It is very important to us that we continue Andrea's commitment to education for her daughter Asha," she said.

"She was a wonderful and loving teacher to our children and this is one way we can show our gratitude."

The fund's two other trustees are Erich Hetzel and Sandra Collins.

Now a Bermuda High School student, Asha began her education at the Montessori school where her mother taught.

The initial members of the Friends of Andrea Bicarie were all parents whose children were taught by Mrs. Bicarie. It later expanded to include professional and school colleagues.

"I'm very happy about the whole thing," said Asha's father Roah Bicarie. "And I'd just like to thank these people a lot for taking time out to actually go through the whole ordeal of setting it up. For them to actually get this set up is overwhelming."

Bank accounts have been opened at the Island's banks to receive donations.

Mrs. Bicari, 34, taught at The Educational Centre (TEC) and was visiting the college to hold a mock exam for some of her students when the wall collapsed.


How you can give:

Funds can be posted to the Andrea Bicarie Memorial Trust, POBox CR 228, Hamilton Parish or additional information may be ontained by logging onto www.northrock.bm/bicarie