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Honourable Mention - Under 13

Photo by Mark TatemKeith Bean
<h2>Happy Endings</h2>My name is Ron. My dad works at Belco and my mom is a house wife. I have one brother who's ten and a sister 14, the same age as me. This is how my story goes about a man who had a wife and three kids and a great job.My sister and I fight a lot but I still love her. I don't tell her because I like fighting her. Mom and Dad get along well. Three days passed by. One of my chores was to check the mailbox. One piece of mail was for Dad. Dad came home at 4.50 p.m. each day from work.

[naviga:h2]Happy Endings[/naviga:h2]

My name is Ron. My dad works at Belco and my mom is a house wife. I have one brother who's ten and a sister 14, the same age as me. This is how my story goes about a man who had a wife and three kids and a great job.

My sister and I fight a lot but I still love her. I don't tell her because I like fighting her. Mom and Dad get along well. Three days passed by. One of my chores was to check the mailbox. One piece of mail was for Dad. Dad came home at 4.50 p.m. each day from work.

I heard the jeep pull up in the yard. When he walked in my sister and I were fighting to see who would go on Facebook first, so I picked my sister up on one shoulder and threw her in her bed and locked her in her room. I then remembered the letter from dad's job and I gave it to him. Dad ripped open the letter and began to read. There was no longer a smile on his face, and he crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trash. When he left the room I walked over to the trash can and uncrumpled the paper and read it. It said that he couldn't come to work anymore. I didn't know who to tell.

I ran to my sister's room to tell her the bad news. She was still angry at me and shouted at me telling me I shouldn't ever do that again. I told her I had something very important to tell her.

"Look! Dad has been fired!"

The angry face turned into a sad face. "Well does mom know?"

"I don't think so. What are we going to do?"

"Trust in God he always gives us happy endings."

"Christmas is coming soon what will we do?"

Four days later the lights went out. We asked Dad what happened and he said he didn't know and that he would have to check it out.

Dad had been very quiet since he lost his job. A few hours later the mail man came. This time my sister got the mail. Instead of giving it to my Dad we opened it ourselves. It read that the landlord was going to take the house on Christmas Day if he didn't pay the rent by 4:30 p.m.

Dad went for his first job interview. They liked him so much they hired him on the spot. He got a large weekly pay cheque! It was only one week until Christmas and Dad got paid that Friday one hour before the rent had to be paid on Christmas Day.

He had change left over and bought us little gifts and a turkey with all the trimmings. We were happy and grateful to God who always gives us happy endings.