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Clubs still plan to go ahead with big projects . . . despite credit crunch

DESPITE the credit crunch sports club bosses are confident ambitious redevelopment plans can still get the go ahead, writes Matthew Taylor.

PHC president Chris Furbert said the long-delayed revamp of their Warwick home could begin this year. It was back in 2003 that PHC announced a plan for a $4-million multi-dimensional complex at their Middle Road-Stadium Lane base in Warwick featuring a modern clubhouse with a gymnasium, health club, changing rooms, boardroom, recreation room, a library and computer area and a bar. Terraced, covered seating for 450 people would overlook a full-size cricket ground which would double as a football field, with the option of being utilised for other sports. In total, the project would encompass 40,000 square feet and was supposed to be finished in 2004.

But it has yet to start.

However Furbert said this week: "Hopefully if we can put the finances in place we should be able to get started sometime between now and the end of the year. We are working with a financial institution on the financials to get the project done."

Furbert said he was extremely hopeful a deal could be hatched and talks were in advanced stages but he refused to say what the project would cost now.

"The project hasn't changed any and the membership is in full agreement to go ahead with the project proposed back then. They estimate once they start it will take 18 months to complete."

BAA is planning an ambitious condo block to pay for a new gym, although last week both the Bermuda National Trust and the Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce raised alarm bells about a large condo development.

The scheme entails 46 one-bed units in one block at the junction of Woodlands Road and Serpentine Road.

BAA president John Doran said the club was still waiting on planning permission.

"Basically it is then up to the developers," he said.

The leasing plan will need an agreement to cover lost revenue from the car park during work which could last two years, said Doran.

"All those factors have to be taken into consideration before it goes ahead but we are still hoping it does."

The objections which have come in concern Doran.

"How are clubs supposed to move forward, how are they supposed to get build facilities if they don't have the cash? We have a building in a bad state of repair."

And BAA is pressing ahead with plans to install an artificial pitch.

Doran is hoping for talks with the likely pitch providers when they come next month to finish off Gym Field in Prospect.

"There are a couple of options ¿ for $680,000 you can have a two-star field. That doesn't include the sub base ¿ you are talking another $200,000 and the lighting which is another couple of hundred thousand. You are talking about a million dollar project.

"And we are one ninth of the way there! But they do have a payment schedule, given in this day and age the economic downturn they might go for something like that.

"I am worried about the economic downturn. I am looking at payment methods and corporate drumming up sponsorship. I am still hoping for the end of the season to start work on it ¿ to put in the all weather service." The Bermuda Hogges played two games there over the summer and Doran hopes to keep the franchise next season.

"Everything is still on, we are still pushing for it," he added.

And earlier this month demolishers took down Somerset Bridge Recreation Club as Government promised a multi-purpose sports complex will be developed at White Hill Field as part of long-standing plans to transform the West End facility into a first-class venue able to host one-day international cricket.

However Sports Minister El James refused to be drawn on the cost and completion date of the ambitious project and admitted much would depend on the amount of cash available in Government's coffers.

Somerset Bridge Recreation Club president Marc Bean could not give details about funding and timelines either but he told The Mid-Ocean News: "I am certain it will go ahead, I don't have a timeline. I am confident it will go ahead but at the same time I am realistic.

"With the economic uncertainty, which I feel is only going to get worse, our Government has determined we have to minimise expenditure with certain projects but at the same time ensure that certain projects have to go forward.

"When things get rough you still need a stimulus in the economy ¿ you can't run. I am confident we will deliver it."