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Ten strikes and you're out for drunk driver

A man was jailed for six months yesterday after notching up his tenth drink driving conviction.The man had appeared on two new charges of driving while impaired yesterday in Magistrates' Court.Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves told Glen Goater, of Loyal Hill, Devonshire, that he was lucky to be alive and also lucky that the accidents he caused were not more serious.

A man was jailed for six months yesterday after notching up his tenth drink driving conviction.

The man had appeared on two new charges of driving while impaired yesterday in Magistrates' Court.

Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves told Glen Goater, of Loyal Hill, Devonshire, that he was lucky to be alive and also lucky that the accidents he caused were not more serious.

Goater pleaded guilty to driving while impaired and refusing or failing to give a breath-analyser sample.

He also pleaded guilty to driving while impaired on March 2.

Crown counsel Juan Wolffe told the court that Police had responded to an accident involving two cars on January 2.

The Police noticed that Goater was unsteady on his feet and smelled of alcohol, he was arrested under suspicion of driving while impaired and taken to Hamilton Police Station.

On the second occasion on March 2, he was involved in another accident and when breath tested it revealed that he had 303 millilitres of alcohol in 100 milligrams of blood. The legal limit being 80 ml in 100 mg of blood.

Mr. Wolffe recommended that because of all of Goater's previous convictions he should be incarcerated immediately.

Mr. Greaves asked if Goater had anything to say for himself and he said, "I apologise to the court, but I have a drinking problem and I need help."

Mr. Greaves sentenced Goater to six months imprisonment, disqualified him from driving for five years and recommended that he receive treatment for his alcoholism in prison.