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WRC issues safety tips for women

The Women’s Resource Centre has issued safety tips in observance of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.Director of the centre Elaine Williams said the tips aim to ensure safety for women in public, in their vehicles and in their homes.She advised women to be aware of their surroundings.“Know where you are and what’s going on around you, especially at night and observe who is in the area and any undue attention in your direction,” she said. “Heed your instincts.”–She also advised on cell phone use.“Keep your phone charged and easily accessible in the event of an emergency. Awareness of your surroundings is lessened when engrossed in conversation. Don’t walk and talk.”She recommended that it is safer when walking or jogging at dawn, or in the early evening, to find a partner for company.Meanwhile, listening to music should not be done in a manner that diminishes the ability to hear someone approaching from behind.“A suggestion is to pin the earphones on the lapel of your top where you can still hear the sounds of both music and surroundings,” she said.Meanwhile, she advised women to wear handbags with long straps that can be put over the head in order to wear the bag under the arm.She added that car maintenance is important to avoid breakdowns at night, and that in the event of a breakdown, it is advisable to lock the doors but keep the window slightly open and call for assistance.Meanwhile, women approaching their parked cars should always scan the area for strangers, check the car for any signs it has been broken into, and then lock the doors after getting in.“Vary your route to and from home on a regular basis and if possible, vary the time that you leave your job,” she advised.“If working late, park your vehicle directly outside your work. Ask security to walk you to your vehicle.”Sherrie Outerbridge, court advocacy administrator for the WRC said: “We strongly advocate for women to take a self-defence course. The basic course will teach you the ways of subduing the attacker long enough to get to safety.”The WRC will be offering personal safety workshops in July and August. Details will be posted on the calendar section of their website at www.wrcbermuda.com.The centre can be reached between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday on 295-3882. It also has a 24-hour emergency hotline, 295-7273.