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Youth Parliamentarian prepares for college

Like many of Bermuda’s Youth Parliamentarians, 17-year-old VaShon Williams has a natural interest in politics.He and fellow Youth Parliamentarian Nicole Williams recently represented Bermuda at the Regional Youth Parliament Debate in Grenada.The two tested their skills against Caribbean debaters on June 29, and met afterwards with local MPs.“The MPs were exploring our knowledge of politics and finding out our interests,” he said. “There was maybe a friendly nudge in that direction.”However, he said: “From what I’ve seen, the best politicians pursue other dreams first, before entering the political realm.“They bring that experience with them. If I did enter politics, it would be a few years down the road.”In the near future, the Bermuda Institute high honours graduate has set his sights on a bachelor’s degree in physics.“In science, everything is a subset of physics,” he said. “All the greats of history have been physicists.”Although Bermuda offers little opportunities in the field of research, engineering opportunities are sure to pick up in time, he said.“There are good opportunities in Belco, and there’s also room to start my own business.“Insurance is also an option. I have heard they often don’t look for business majors when it comes to actuarial work.“They look more for people with a maths background, which is what physics is all about.”VaShon has participated in the Youth Parliament for two years, and currently holds the role of assistant clerk.In Grenada, the topic of debate was ‘whether legislation should be put in place to limit how people dress, and restrict tattooing and body piercing’.VaShon said the issue had sparked discussion both here and in the Caribbean.“I was on the opposition side and had to support the view that it would not be an infringement on people’s constitutionally-guaranteed rights.“I went for the business approach. Being as Bermuda is an international business location known for its exempt companies, I argued that we needed to maintain our image.”The trip also afforded an opportunity for VaShon to explore the countryside, where he tried French cashews a popular Caribbean fruit.He plans to spend the summer “tidying and running errands” at his Friswell’s Hill home before attending Oakwood University in Alabama.As the winner of the RenaissanceRe Undergraduate Scholarship and the 2011 Alpha Beautillion, he will have valuable assistance.His 3.75 grade point average from the Bermuda Institute also qualifies him for Oakwood’s Prestige Scholarship, worth $10,000 over four years.“My best advice as far as scholarships go is don’t be afraid to try,” he said.“You need to put in hard work. Something worth having doesn’t come easily. If you’re not sure, ask someone who’s gone through the procedure. Ask me.”VaShon credits his grandmother, Gwendolyn Elvin, and mother Bernella Williams, for providing an “integral role”.“We’re a big family,” he added. “I have seven brothers and two half-brothers.”He said: “I hope to set an example. The area I live in gets some bad press.“I love living there and growing up there was great fun, with football, bikes and marbles.“I was looking for comments online when I won the beautillion, and I could see how crime articles get so many comments, but the positive ones don’t.“I just hope that if people aren’t commenting, they’re at least taking notice.”Useful website: www.bermudascholarships.com.

VaShon Williams will be studying Physics at Oakwood University, Alabama.