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Bank of Bermuda awards $600,000 to charities

The Bank of Bermuda Foundation donated over $600,000 to six Bermuda charities in the second quarter of 2004.

David Lang, director and secretary of the Bank of Bermuda Foundation, said: ?The Bank of Bermuda Foundation is anxious to contribute to the betterment of our community and is pleased to partner with Bermuda charities and support endeavours that improve the lives of everyone on our Island.?

The Foundation has supported many charitable initiatives during the second quarter of 2004, but listed below are those charities that were granted support for significant grants of $25,000 or more.

A positive, nurturing and supportive environment is a vital element in the social and emotional development of our young men. De Boys Day Out Club provides young males with individual and group consultation, workshops and seminars that help them learn to balance their social, spiritual, emotional and mental needs, helping them to become responsible and productive members of our community.

Every young person in Bermuda should have the opportunity to participate in this Award Programme that includes expeditions, skills development incorporating cultural, vocational or manual skills, physical recreation and residential projects.

It helps to promote civic responsibility, teamwork and self-discipline, life skills that can be used to guide our young people throughout their lives. Through the enhancement of this programme, more young people will have the opportunity to experience this exciting journey of personal discovery.

Our young people face many challenges in today?s world and are expected to make very difficult life decisions at an early age.

PRIDE Bermuda works diligently to educate and empower our Island?s youth to adopt healthy lifestyles. They offer drug and alcohol prevention programmes to middle and elementary schools, and conferences, special events, forums and workshops to our youth and adults. These services help people in our community to strengthen their anti-drug attitudes and empower them to become involved in prevention.

Bermuda?s youth should all have the opportunity to develop their intellectual curiosity, physical well being, moral values, self-esteem, appreciation and expression and interpersonal skills in an exciting learning environment.

Through the enhancement and expansion of their educational facilities, Saltus Grammar School can continue to support and develop their diverse programmes that provide students with excellent educational opportunities that will assist them in becoming the successful leaders of tomorrow.

Our Olympic athletes are an inspiration to all of us and we are proud to support them as they represent Bermuda in the 2004 Olympic Games which is being held in Athens, Greece. Sports are a vital component in the development of a well-rounded community and we are pleased to support sports at all levels.

Preservation of our history is important for our future generations. The State House, located on King Street in St. George?s, has been identified as one of the oldest standing stone structures erected by English colonists in the New World.

The restoration and improvement project initiated by the Old State House Preservation Society will restore the structure, while preserving the external appearance and will help to reinstate the State House as an important historical landmark within the St. George?s World Heritage Site.