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BPSU chief eyes big changes

Newly elected Bermuda Public Service Union president Armell Thomas has revealed radical plans to rebuild the union?s HQ into a five-storey complex, complete with gym, retail space and an underground car park.

He said the current building had been outgrown while diversified use could boost union revenue.

Mr. Thomastold : ?It?s an old building. After a while you keep replacing and repairing but it doesn?t really make sense.

?I am looking to get a new building within the year ? at the present location. We are looking at underground parking, all sorts of things. But we have to sit down and talk with the team and members and see where they want to go. But I do have an idea and a plan.?

Mr. Thomas said he personally hoped a five-floor building would include retail space to help boost BPSU coffers.

The union owns the freehold on the site on the corner of Cedar Avenue and Angle Street.

He envisages one floor being given to underground parking and another having a gym and spa.

Mr. Thomas, who defeated Nigel Pemberton earlier this month, also hopes the BPSU could set up a credit union or savings company.

?I would like to see the union having other businesses under its wing. Being innovative. We can?t run the union forever off of union dues.?

The 34-year-old family man, who works as an environmental health officer, said he was excited about being elected to the three-year post, even if $7,000-per-year union job was sometimes something of a thankless task, saying: ?I love a challenge.?

He wants to improve communications within the union and has vowed to get the union?s website up and running.

More membership input will be encouraged. ?I want members to be more proactive when it comes to situations and get them sorted out earlier rather than wait until something really happens. I want to encourage people to speak.?

Mr. Thomas, who has been in the union since 1997 and who has spent his Government career in the health department, wants members to join in with union activities.

?We put on functions such as financial talks, home talks. The bank comes in and talks but we get about five people.

?If we could get more of the membership to get involved in a positive way rather than just coming with a problem then things would be much better.?

And he wants an end to union members bargaining with management on their own but instead said more than one union member should always be in negotiations to help document things. ?There is no real policy in place.?

Building bridges with the community is also part of the plan said Mr. Thomas.

?We want to utilise the union in all efforts, not just work relations and stuff like that. We want the union to be a community resource.

?Right now help with diabetes. We don?t just want to be a union for working matters but want to be a part of the community in any way we can.

?We have a lot of problems with older people with disabilities who need help. Maybe they need a roof done.?

But on the basic union issues the contract for Civil Servants must be renegotiated as it runs out in September while negotiations for the Bermuda College start soon.

Mr. Thomas came up through the ranks of the union and become a shop steward and then became chairperson of his division.

?Growing up not understanding the functions of the union and striking, I thought it was crazy. But as you get older you understand why a union is in place. It made me more willing to join the union.

He lists his goals as promoting the union and getting members to be more vigilant on the collective agreements.

?I would like everyone be trained and have continued training and education. We want to work with management ? our job is not to work against management.

?We are looking for win, win situations, to better the relationship with management and get favourable results. My main thing is the team. We need to create a team effort. Team being T for teaching, E for enforcement, A for advocacy, M for moderation and S for support.?

He wants to organise a retreat with the newly elected post holders and permanent staff so goals can be set and people can learn the ropes.

?When I became an executive officer I wasn?t taught anything about how things should be run.?

He said he expected the contest to be against Mr. Pemberton closer. ?I didn?t go in and say I was going to win outright. I did do the homework of campaigning.

?I think people were due for a change. That?s who I work for ? the members. And the members have spoken.?