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Luxury clipper crew give Bermuda the 'thumbs-up'

Photo by Tamell SimonsCutting through: Crowds gather as the Maltese Falcon makes its way through Town Cut, St. George's, on its way to the Azores after spending the weekend in Bermuda.

The captain and crew of the luxury clipper The Maltese Falcon have given the thumbs-up to Bermuda after sailing in for the weekend.

The Maltese-registered 289ft yacht — owned by American venture capitalist Tom Perkins — arrived at Ordnance Island last Friday and set off for the Azores earlier this week.

And while its international crew may be used to living on-board a boat said to have cost between $150 million and $300 million, the down-to-earth delights of the Island proved a big hit with them — even if they have yet to master the names of our nightspots.

Captain Chris Gartner e-mailed The Royal Gazette to say: "The crew and I have enjoyed Bermuda very much! We went out and saw the islands by way of scooters, visited all of your sights and beautiful beaches and managed to eat a dinner at Flanagan's and then dance the night away at the Onion and Pig, or something like that!

"The people here in Bermuda are very friendly and polite. I like the way everyone says 'good day' when you walk past them."

St. George's, where the unusual-looking vessel attracted crowds of admirers, came in for particular praise from the captain.

He wrote: "St. George's is a very nice town, where the people are especially nice! At Malcolm's barber shop I got the chance to meet Malcolm and his clientele and had a great talk to all! We will be back!"