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Tourism?s hole in one

The Department of Tourism are filling the e-mail in-boxes of nearly 240,000 potential visitors with an interactive golf game.

The game allows office workers around the world to practise driving a golf ball across a very large water hazard ? the Atlantic Ocean ? and onto the greens of eight local golf courses.

And with skill that would make Tiger Woods jealous, the virtual golfer may make the impossible shot using a putter.

Tourism?s New York agency, Arnold Worldwide, designed the golf game, however, the Department of Communication & Information would not say how much it cost.

?No costs are available at this time,? spokeswoman Nea Talbot said.

On January 26, the first batch of e-mails containing a link to the interactive golf game was sent to 2,436 consumers in the Department?s database.

A week later a second e-mail, also containing a link to the game, was sent to 40,186 consumers in their database, as well as 196,213 ?prospects from rented lists of golf and spa enthusiasts,? she said.

So far, there have been 1,614 visits to the game on the web-site and 113 consumers have forwarded the game to a friend.

The game can be found at www.bermudatourism.com/golf/game or at the Department of Tourism website.