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Forum told Island will likely retain monarchy

A fully-fledged Independent Bermuda might retain the Queen as Head of State in the manner of 15 countries of the Commonwealth. Maintaining some link with her former colonial master even if it is merely membership of the Commonwealth of Nations of mostly, but not exclusively, former territories of the British Empire is one of the likely routes Bermuda would take on becoming Independent.

That was one of the scenarios put forward last night during the fourth of the Progressive Labour Party?s Independence forums across the Island. Senator Walter Roban mentioned the possibility of a Commonwealth link as he spoke as part of a three-strong panel that included Dame Lois Browne-Evans and MP Dean Foggo.

?We will maintain a relationship with Britain. We are likely to have a constitutional monarchy with the Monarch having the title of Head of State, like fellow states within the Commonwealth,? said Mr. Roban.

The meeting was held at the ferry terminal at Pennos Wharf in St. George?s and was attended by a number of Government representatives including Premier Alex Scott and former Premier Dame Jennifer Smith.

Dame Lois said the fever and passion stirred by the football World Cup, as evident on the Island by the plethora of national flags being flown from cars, buildings and even on construction sites showed what it meant to have a national identity and a national pride.

She said those of other nationalities on the Island could feel that pride, but Bermudians can not so long as they are a dependency. Bermudians need to get emotional about Independence, she said, adding: ?If you watch the football you can feel what these other nations are feeling.

?Everyone has a flag. That is true emotion, that is what being proud means. That is what Independence means. If people don?t know tell them to watch the TV. Look at the number of people in Bermuda flying their flags. That?s what loving your country is all about.?

And Dame Lois claimed the ordinary people of Britain wonder why Bermuda is not independent. ?They think countries that are not yet independent are hanging on, sucking on them.? She said ordinary Britons are tired of their colonies and are disgusted that they still exist.

Mr. Foggo, who opened the discussion presented a number of items, a flag of Bermuda, the coat of arms, a glass of water, a Bermuda Dependent Territory passport, and asked the audience to consider what they meant. He said Bermuda had the capacity to stand alone and look after her affairs. She has the resources and the men and women to do the tasks that the UK still takes care of on Bermuda?s behalf. Mr. Foggo said the reserved powers of the Governor could dealt with by Bermudians.

Premier Alex Scott addressed the audience at the end and said he had seen a construction site flying the flags of Brazil, France, Portugal and England ? but he said one flag was missing from the picture and that was a truly Bermudian flag. ?We can?t buy citizenship and we can?t have it until we become Independent.?

The final PLP Independence forum takes place at Francis Patton school, Hamilton Parish on July 13.