Test your skill with these hands
Bill Tucker is this week’s guest columnist while David Ezekiel takes a well-earned break.The following three hands are taken from the John Waddington simultaneous par contests played throughout England in 1938. Editors were SJ Simon and Terence Reese.Hand 1NORTHK2KJ97543KJ103WEST10987A69876522BiddingSOUTH WEST NORTH EAST12 Pass 3 Pass3 Pass 4 (All Pass)South’s 2 Spade bid is an intermediate jump showing at least a good 6 card suit + general values of a sound opening bid.You lead your singleton club. East wins the Queen and continues with the Ace, South following suit each time. Plan your defence.Hand 2NORTHK53AKA10965432SOUTHAQJ1074J10987KQ-----You are in 6 Spades and receive the lead of the Club Ace. You ruff and play the Spade Ace, West shows out. How do you plan to counter this 4-0 trump break?Hand 3NORTH83KQ8KJ10762Q9WESTA6J73A5K108532BiddingSOUTH WEST NORTH EAST1 1 12NT Pass 3NT (All Pass)You lead the Ace and another Spade. East wins the King and continues with the 10.Plan your defence.I will be back in 2 weeks with the answers.
The latest results from the Bermuda Bridge Club:
Monday afternoon, August 20
N/S 1 Lyn O'Neill-Louise Rodger 2 Julia Lunn-Russ Craft 3 Joan Sims-Julia Beach
E/W 1 Ivy Rosser-Barbara Mulder 2 Judy Harte-Annelies Scheland 3-4 Aida Bostelmann-Dianna Kempe 3-4 Tony & Dot Buckley
Monday evening, August 201 Charles Hall-Thomas Bolton 2-3 Simon Giffen-Rachael Gosling 2-3 Russ & Dee Craft 4 Delmont & Marilynn Simmons
Tuesday evening, August 211 Marion Ezedinma-Louise Payne 2 George Correia-Danielle Cloutier 3 Peter & Susan Adhemar 4 Linda Abend-Elma Anfossi
Wednesday morning, August 22N/S 1 Magda Farag-Donna Leitch 2 Joan Sims-Julia Beach 3 Charles Pearman-Jackie Swan
E/W 1 Pat Siddle-Diana Diel 2 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith 3 John Hoskins-Marilynn Simmons
Thursday, August 231 Danielle Cloutier-Dianna Kempe 2 Judy Harte-Stephen Smith 3 Thomas Bolton-Martha Ferguson 4 Irene Chew-Andy Carne
Friday, August 24Ernie Owen Trophy1 Dan McCleary2 Paul Thompson3 Rachael Gosling4 Janice Trott