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PRIDE campaign to focus on prescription drug abuse

PRIDE Bermuda will be launching a campaign aimed at shedding light on the issue of teenagers using prescription drugs not prescribed to them.

The theme for the 12th annual red ribbon campaign is "Wear Red – Know Your Meds" and will kick-off October 19 at City Hall.

Judith Burgess, executive director of the charity said: "Our goal with this year's Red Ribbon Campaign is to raise awareness of prescription drug use among young people. The statistics are alarming and are not confined to the United States.

The Bermuda Communities That Care Youth Survey 2007 showed that 5.5 percent of Bermuda's student population has used prescription pain relievers. That number is likely growing each year."

Ms Burgess explained that although the number doesn't seem big, it is a lot and parents need to be aware of what their children are doing.

She continued: "We are urging parents and members of the Bermuda community to participate in this year's Red Ribbon Campaign and educate themselves about the risks of prescription drug abuse among young people.

"Around the world, teens and young people are experimenting with prescription drugs at home, at school and at parties in ways the drugs were never meant to be taken.

"The risks are huge — overdosing, drug poisoning, allergic reactions, illness or even death.

"By following some basic guidelines, including safely securing prescription medications, keeping track of what prescription medications are in our possession, and disposing of old and unused prescription medications, we can ensure our community is a safer place."

The campaign will begin with a ceremony on the steps of City Hall in October 19 at 12.15 p.m.

On Tuesday, October 20, PRIDE will be hosting an Environmental Change Day, where people are encouraged to take part in community service.

Wednesday, October 21, the charity will have a "Wear Red, Know Your Meds" day and a free lunch will be provided in Par-la-Ville Park between 12.30 p.m. and 2 p.m. to any member of the general public wearing red.

The Red Ribbon Campaign began in 1988 in honour of DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena who was kidnapped and killed in Mexico in February of 1985.

Mr. Camarena had uncovered a multibillion dollar drug scam in which he suspected officers of the Mexican army, police forces and government of being involved.

His tragic death led to an outpouring of sympathy around the world and led to a formalised campaign of hope in Mr. Camarena's honour.

The Department for National Drug Control (DNDC), under the Ministry of Culture and Social Rehabilitation, is lead sponsor for the 2009 Red Ribbon Campaign.

The 2009 PRIDE Red Ribbon Campaign is also sponsored by Bank of Bermuda, BELCO, Renaissance Re, Fidelity, Gorham's and Orbis.

For more information about the Red Ribbon Campaign, or to get involved, call PRIDE Bermuda on 295-9970 or email info@pride.prevention.bm.