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Learning Centre meets educational and recreational needs of children

The Learning Centre of Bermuda on Victoria Street in Hamilton provides children with tutorial and behavioural counselling services after school and on Saturdays as well as in the summer.

"We offer tutorials to students who need to improve their studies or who want to increase their level of work,'' said director Mrs. Martha Dismont.

Catering mainly to boys and girls, aged five to 12, the Learning Centre's programme is based on teaching students skills.

"Many children are behind in school because they lack skills rather than academic ability,'' said Mrs. Dismont.

The summer programme, which includes tutoring and recreational activities, begins on July 3 and runs for the duration of the school holidays.

Most children attend the summer course for three to six weeks, noted Mrs.

Dismont, adding that they need at least three weeks to benefit from the programme.

Although the Centre's daily structured agenda runs from 9 a.m. until four p.m., children can come in as early as 8.30 a.m. and stay until 5.30 p.m., said Mrs. Dismont.

Children start their day with activities like singing, show and tell, current event discussions and French lessons.

Tutorials, which embrace Mathematics and English instruction, begin at 9.30 a.m. and go until noon. "We have anywhere from eight to ten groups of around 12 students. Each group is instructed by two teachers,'' said Mrs. Dismont, adding that the groups are organised according to the students' ability.

After lunch, children participate in recreational activities like Music, Dance, Art, Sign Language, Martial Arts and Sports. They also go on outings to the beaches and Bernard Park.

"Students are very receptive to our programme,'' said Mrs. Dismont. "And most parents find their children are much more aware and ready for school in the fall.'' The programme costs $75 a week. But students in need of extra educational assistance may be subsidised.

Noted Mrs. Dismont: "We're a charity and therefore appreciate financial commitments and sponsorships for the varied programmes that we offer.''