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Criminal told to keep off drugs

A man who robbed a woman of $8 and a packet of cigarettes was ordered to stay away from drugs, alcohol, and night clubs, when he appeared in Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Gary Trice Raynor, 35, of no fixed abode, was sentenced to three years probation with compulsory conditions. Under the probation order he cannot consume intoxicating substances such as alcohol and drugs, and must refrain from attending or working at night clubs.

Defence lawyer Victoria Pearman said Raynor had been unable to receive full treatment for his drug addiction as he was kicked out of the Salvation Army Harbour Light facility for breaking the rules.

"He is trying his best not to be a drain on the community," said Ms Pearman.

But Assistant Justice Archibald Warner said if Raynor did not abide by the rules of the programme he would have to deal with him in the "original way" ? meaning prison.

"He may be dejected and disappointed, but part of getting through these situations is facing reality.," Mr. Warner said.

"You can't go breaking up people and places because you don't like structure."

The court heard that Raynor has a history of mental illness and substance abuse and was trying to kick his habit at the Harbour Light facility. He breached Salvation Army protocol by having a cigarette and taking free clothes from a drop off box.

Raynor told the Court that he was looking forward to living a stable lifestyle.

"I'm willing to abide by the law and stay out of trouble. I want to have a wife, some kids and a whole new outlook on life," he said.