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Overhaul is neededNovember 9, 2010Dear Sir,

Overhaul is needed

November 9, 2010

Dear Sir,

Will the PLP voters in Dr. Brown's district continue to vote for the same old policymakers they got with Dr. Brown? I think so, Mr. Editor, because the issues the PLP will bring forth in Parliament for the new MP for that area are the same old agenda. They don't want to change.

What's that you say, Mr. Editor? What agenda? Casino gambling, additional legal rights for homosexuals, higher taxes, more regulation for small business; oh! and of course the Uighurs, Mr. Editor.

No one seems to be able to send them back to the Americans for their justice system to deal with.

I don't think the UBP or the BDA will present anything different.

Mr. Editor, the engine that is running the car named Bermuda is broken and needs an overhaul.

We need to outsource the facilities of CedarBridge, and the City of Hamilton, we need to end compulsive education and abolish the Department of Education, and Tourism as well.

We need to stop spending money we don't have or we will find ourselves broke!


City of Hamilton

A parenting challenge

November 14, 2010

Dear Sir,

During my 34 years with the Bermuda Police I was generally not noted for seeing eye to eye with the Top Brass, but I have to agree with the comments of retired Assistant Commissioner Carlton Adams in today's RG (15 Nov) concerning gangs and general "juvenile unruliness". I have to place most of the blame for the current situation on a) the overly casual Bermudian attitude towards sex and reproduction, and b) the fact that there are so many absentee fathers and therefore so many single-parent families.

I know that this letter probably won't make a blind bit of difference, but I would seriously urge women to stop this casual mass-production of assorted offspring, and men to step up to the plate and accept responsibility for any child you do father. Disciplining of children has to start in the home, it has to start from birth, and it has to be done by the parents: not the child's teachers; not the Police; not Social Services or any other outside organisation: the parents!


Onich, Scotland