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Paget school gets new playground

Department got into the swing of things yesterday at Paget Primary School.They all converged at the school on Friday for the official opening of its $50,000 new playground, compliments of LaSalle Re.

Department got into the swing of things yesterday at Paget Primary School.

They all converged at the school on Friday for the official opening of its $50,000 new playground, compliments of LaSalle Re.

Company president Guy Hengesbaugh said: "We are very pleased to be able to contribute to the children of Bermuda as a commemoration of our five years of operation.

"We felt that we should give something back.'' He added that the experience had been a real "team builder''.

"In the future we expect to be very active in giving back to the community,'' Mr. Hengesbaugh said.

He was joined by principal Wendell Smith, Education Minister Milton Scott, Chief Education Officer Joseph Christopher, Parks planner Anne Boykin-Smith, PTA president Abdul-Raheem Muhammad and Paget West MPs Tim Smith, the Shadow Education Minister, and Patricia Gordon Pamplin.

Head boy Andrew Smith presented Mr. Hengesbaugh with cards of thanks made by the students and head girl Stefany Lee offered the vote of thanks.

Mr. Muhammad said: "We at Paget consider ourselves very fortunate.'' "It was a community effort,'' he added. "And at some point and time this will give to the entire community.'' Wendell Smith said: "We are very happy that LaSalle Re chose Paget, and especially supporting the type of project like this playground.'' He explained Progressive Playgrounds owner Brett Haddaway's construction knowledge made it easy for them to assemble the playground in two days.

Mr. Smith also noted that the parents needed to be congratulated.

"Everybody was a part of the construction,'' he said. "Also the Bermuda Regiment who played a very essential part, carrying the heavy lumber post to the side so that work could begin.

"All of this has been possible for new generations to enjoy the grounds.'' Timely investment: Education Minister Milton Scott is pictured with president of LaSalle Re Ltd. Guy Hengesbaugh at the official ribbon cutting ceremony of Paget Primary School's new playground. LaSalle donated $50,000 towards the construction of the playground.