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Ex-Premier spices up students' day!

Jennifer Smith and Walter Robain assembled Monday at Spice Valley Middle School for a presentation of Ms Smith's new political memoires

Spice Valley Middle School students got a treat when they were greeted by former Premier Jennifer Smith in assembly yesterday morning.

Ms Smith asked to come speak at Spice Valley after she heard that the school was planning on using her book, “Voice of Change”, as a text in the Social Studies and Language Arts departments.

With her she brought new PLP Senator Walter Roban, who was awarded with an “honourable P.E. shirt” for his efforts in editing Ms Smith's book.

Two classroom sets were bought for the school, with about 75 percent of the books being donated by former deputy principal Earl Hart, who retired in 2001.

Copies of the book were also placed in the school's library. Spice Valley is building on its collection of local authors as resources for the reference library at the school. “Middle school is the prime time to discover what you like,” Ms Smith told the students. “Find your passion and you will be successful.”

It took her 17 years to become an elected MP, she said. “If you have something you want to do and have a difficult time getting it... You keep practising, you keep after it and eventually you will get it. If you learn nothing else, learn the importance of perseverance.”

“It is important that you take school seriously,” said Mr. Roban, who also spoke to the students at Spice Valley with Ms Smith.

“It may seem boring now ... but it will serve you later.”

M3 student Sanae Russell read a short biography of Ms Smith and presented her with a bouquet of flowers in thanks, while M2 student Mica Murray read a biography on Mr. Roban and presented him with an “honourable P.E. shirt” compliments of Spice Valley.