Crosswords too much April 14, 1999
Our April holiday for some ten consecutive years has been at Munro Beach Cottages in Southampton. Principle activities: golf at Port Royal; ocean, sunshine, and "breezes''; and the consistently good crossword puzzles in The Royal Gazette .
This year your otherwise fine newspaper had crossword puzzles (edited by Fran and Lou Sabin) which were a huge disappointment. They were a mishmash of odd ball words, references to multiline quips and obscure sayings, and were not reasonable tests of vocabulary and knowledge of words.
Our enjoyment of quiet time was lessened and we suggest you have a qualified person look at the puzzles printed during the April 1-13 period.
LESTER W. GOTT North Haven, Connecticut Editor''s note: Mr. Gott is not the only reader to have noticed that the crosswords have been much more difficult recently. The Los Angeles Times Syndicate, which provides the crossword, has provided less obscure puzzles which will begin tomorrow.