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Govt. to refurbishLefroy

Government's capital spending plans for the coming year are a case of business as usual with more than 90 percent of the $137 million going on projects already underway.

Those projects include the new Berkeley, the new Hamilton Police Station and Magistrates' Court, the Southside Police Station and the St. George's Residential Care Facility for Seniors.

Meanwhile a capital grant of $7 million is budgeted for the further development of the National Sports Centre.

Ms Cox said: "The National Sports Centre lends itself to public-private partnership arrangements and the Trustees of the National Sports Centre are actively seeking partnerships along these lines."

New projects totalling $12 million added to the capital plan include $2 million aside for refurbishment and restoration of Lefroy House which lost some of its roof during Hurricane Fabian.

A sum of $750,000 is for the installation of an elevator in the Sessions House.

Ms Cox added: "The largest allocation of the new money in the capital plan, some $5 million, is for refurbishment work on Government buildings (which includes Lefroy House) and for infrastructure work on dangerous walls and unstable rock cuts as well as the refurbishment of key Government reservoirs at Fort Victoria and the Government Quarry."