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First month has been exciting and tiring says new Opposition Leader

Q: Why did Grant Gibbons lose the support of a majority of United Bermuda Party MPs? Was there a feeling in the party that the UBP will do better with a black leader?A: In October 2005 Grant Gibbons initiated discussions within the Parliamentary Group of the United Bermuda Party about the challenges facing Bermuda and our party's role in facing those challenges.


Q: Why did Grant Gibbons lose the support of a majority of United Bermuda Party MPs? Was there a feeling in the party that the UBP will do better with a black leader?

A: In October 2005 Grant Gibbons initiated discussions within the Parliamentary Group of the United Bermuda Party about the challenges facing Bermuda and our party's role in facing those challenges.

As part of this discussion we created a process that would focus our conversation on how we can more effectively meet the needs of the people. It was designed to be quiet, gentlemanly and focused less on how we can win but more about how we can be a more effective agent for change in this country.

These discussions weren't about what we liked or disliked about Grant, it was about the best direction forward for the country. During the course of these discussions we unanimously agreed, Grant included, that at this time I would be best choice. Race was a part of the discussions but we all agreed that we were more concerned about the individual's qualifications to lead rather than the colour of his or her skin. This decision was not based on race. Parties have to evolve to remain relevant and this change is just another step in our evolution

Q: How has the first month been and do you think you've managed to make an impact as leader, both within the party and within the community?

A: The first month has been exciting and tiring! Our team has been out pounding the pavement, holding town hall meetings and aggressively getting out into the community to promote our vision and our ideas for Bermuda's future.

From the feedback we are getting, people are embracing our vision for a new political dynamic, where issues take precedence over political conflict.

People are embracing our vision on housing, education and economic empowerment and they are calling on us to come forward with more solutions, more ideas and to continue the positive changes they are witnessing. Our team has bought into this vision and are behind it 100 per cent.

Q: How is the United Bermuda Party going to change under your leadership?

A: The United Bermuda Party I believe has always evolved over times. From its first leaders, Sir Henry Tucker, Sir Edward Richards, Sir John Swan and Dr. Grant Gibbons. Each leader faced different circumstances and faced the challenge of the day.

My leadership is no exception. I always speak in visionary terms, challenging the party to look beyond its now ? to look into a preferred future.

Q: You want to break from confrontational politics. That being so, what do you think are the successes of the current PLP Government? Which members of the Government do you

The PLP was successful in bringing into place one man, one vote. Some people had doubts but it has worked. I would say another good thing would be improving the ferry service.

Each member of the PLP Government has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses and I believe that each of them in their own way has striven to make Bermuda a better place.

Because of their individual strengths and weaknesses we believe that as the Government-in-waiting we must create an environment where their intellect and talent is not wasted in opposition.

That's why we have proposed inviting a member of the PLP to sit in our Cabinet. Bermuda is too small to discount anyone who is willing to make this little island a better place.

Q: What and who are Government's failures?

I could spend time rehashing Berkeley, BHC, Pay to Play, etc. but at the end of the day it is up to the people to decide. We are doing our part to put an end to "he said, she said" politics in Bermuda by reducing the nit-picking on the issues that both parties agree on while maintaining our vigil as the people's watchdog.

Make no mistake, we will continue to strongly condemn the decisions and actions made by this Government that we believe aren't in the best interest of our people. We believe that. It isn't about just tearing down the PLP.

We are more concerned about promoting our vision and restoring hope to our people that our Government can be run competently, efficiently and with openness and integrity. We are also focused on our agenda of creating a Bermuda where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential

Q: Why are you confident that the UBP will win the next General Election?

A: Simple, the people realise there is time for another change. It is not about voting for the United Bermuda Party, it is about voting for a vision. Our country, our people are in desperate need of a vision and in desperate need for action. We will clearly lay out a vision for the people. Dissatisfaction with the PLP is one reason why more and more people are coming to us, but a concern about the future safety and stability of this country is another driving factor. But what is really encouraging is the number of people who have put up their hands and said that they like the vision we are promoting for the benefit of Bermuda and that they want to be a part of making our vision a reality.

No. I believe it is a new day that the people are looking at their Parliamentarians much closer than they have ever done before. They are looking for a group to lead them that they can trust, have integrity and is accountable to the people.

I am not sure why the PLP is reluctant to have referendums on certain issues such as Independence. I am not saying that it is true but unfortunately some politicians forget how they get where they are. That is why I always pray that God will keep me humble, and that I never see myself above the people that I serve.