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Man fined for escaping custody, assault

A man who admitted escaping lawful custody, violently resisting arrest and assaulting a Police Officer has been fined $3,500.

Rodney Grims, 23, who was represented by lawyer Larry Scott, was ordered to pay two fines of $1,000 for escaping Police custody and violently resisting arrest and $1,500 for the assault charge.

He was also fined $500 and given seven demerit points for speeding at 78 kph on Kindley Field Road.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner ordered Grims, of Loyal Hill, in Devonshire, to pay the fine immediately or face three months imprisonment in default for each of the three charges, to be served concurrently.

The court heard that Grims was caught speeding on Saturday in St. George's and was stopped by Police and warned about the offence. Grims told officer Kenton Trott, who was known to him, "man give me a break".

The officer notified Grims he had an outstanding warrant for a previous $250 fine; to which Grims replied: "I'll go to town and pay it later today."

According to Crown counsel Larissa Burgess, Grims took off on foot running east of Kindley Field Road with one officer following on foot behind him and another pursuing by car.

Grims later stopped running and approached the driver's side of the vehicle and pushed the officer in the chest.

According to Mr. Scott, his client ran because he didn't want an altercation. He described his client as a man of "good and impeccable character" with no previous convictions.

"I don't suspect you are likely to see him before the court for these types of offences again," said Mr. Scott, who urged the Magistrate to give a conditional discharge.

Grims apologised to the court and the officer involved and said the two men had "put everything behind" them, before being handed the fine and possible time in default.