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Master blaster Cann moved up the order

Lionel Cann in action

Lionel Cann could find himself facing the new ball as he gets moved higher up the Bermuda batting order, national coach Gus Logie revealed yesterday, as a second practice match, against Clarke Road United, was washed out.

Logie took a gamble during Wednesday?s rain-affected game against Wanderers CC in Trinidad by asking the master blaster to open the innings with Kwame Tucker.

And Cann grasped the opportunity with both hands, knocking the shine off the ball with a typically belligerent hundred.

The St. David?s Islander, who underwent groin surgery late last year, helped himself to a first century (109) since last August.

Cann smashed eight fours and eight sixes off 60 balls during a whirlwind innings that drew praise from coach Logie.

?This is something that we talked about before with the new format (power plays) and the restrictions in the field placements. We feel that it would be ideal to promote Lionel when it?s necessary.

?We want to utilise players like him up there instead of in the back. And so he will be an asset at times whenever we feel the need to promote him up the order.?

It was Cann?s second century achieved at international level. Last August the St.George?s Cup Match skipper clobbered 139 off 61 balls against a docile Argentine attack in Ontario during the Americas Championship.

?Lionel opened the batting along with Kwame (Tucker) who unfortunately got hit on his knee while batting and is now being treated for that,? Logie continued.

The coach said Tucker had also looked ?solid? at the crease before he was forced to retire hurt on 18.

?Obviously he (Kwame) would?ve been excluded for today?s match. But with the treatment he is receiving I would say he would be okay to play in the next few days,? added Logie.

OJ Pitcher (five), also promoted up the order, was the only other Bermuda wicket to fall before rain halted proceedings with the Island team poised at 154 for two. Janeiro Tucker, who has struggled with knee troubles over the past several months, remained unbeaten on 27 when stumps were drawn.

Bermuda are presently being housed at the Frank Worrell Cricket Academy in Couva, Trinidad.

Also assisting Logie on tour are former West Indies all-rounder Bernard Julian, fast bowler Tony Gray, batsman Larry Gomes and slow left arm orthodox bowler Raphick Jumadeen.

Offering a post-match summary on Wednesday?s affair, Logie said: ?We looked pretty solid though it was a rain-affected game. I thought the players were up for the game and the enthusiasm was certainly there and they showed in the middle what they were capable of.

?We were looking for some continuing fireworks, but the rain curtailed the match and put paid to any more play. But we continue to work and train and receive expert advice.?

Bermuda?s cricketers have been receiving lectures from the likes of Gomes, the 1985 Wisden Cricketer of the Year.

?The guys had a morning talk and session with Bernard Julian and Larry Gomes and that went pretty well,? Logie said. ?And I think now they understand that they are not the only ones feeling the pressure and fears of international competition. They now understand that it?s just a matter of going out there and doing your best.

?And I think overall they feel pretty good and pleased to know that there are other people out here supporting them and believing in them. Now all they have to do is to continue to support each other as a team and believe in themselves and their own ability.?

Bermuda have also been viewing video footage of last November?s five-week tour of Kenya and South Africa, and taken full advantage of practising once again in the indoor facilities at the cricket academy ? one of the finest in the Caribbean.

They also received a rare treat.

?Today we had both the Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana national teams practising here. And so the players had an opportunity to see these players train as well indoors,? Logie said.

The Trinidadian admitted, though, that his players were disappointed to have yesterday?s second practice match against Clarke Road United in Penal postponed due to rain.

?The guys were disappointed but another club (Police) have scheduled a game against us on Saturday. And so now we have another fixture that wasn?t actually pencilled in before we arrived which goes to show the nature of the type of support we are getting down here.

?Everybody is quite happy and understands what we are trying to achieve and wants to help us.?

Meanwhile, back on the home front, injured players Saleem Mukuddem, Stefan Kelly, Stephen Outerbridge and Ryan Steede are all said to be making ?good? progress.

?Stefan Kelly and Stephen Outerbridge are progressing on schedule, while Ryan Steede?s fitness continues to improve,? Bermuda Cricket Board chief executive Neil Speight told

Mukuddem underwent CAT scans last Tuesday night after complaining of lower back strains. And as of yesterday the results of those scans had yet to reach local cricket?s governing body.