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Table tennis team hope for better showing at Worlds

While Bermuda's team may not have high expectations as they head to next week's 46th annual World Table Tennis Championships in Osaka, Japan, the four-strong squad at least want to improve on their last performance in the same event.

Then, at the championships in England four years ago, Bermuda registered just a single victory.

This time, captain Nick Frost, Myron Piper, Alden Ray and Curtis Hodgson hope they will be drawn against some of the world's other table tennis minnows and be able to return with at least their pride intact.

The lone triumph in Manchester in 1997 came against Burundi, and there's belief among the current team that they can go at least one better.

"I feel that we can do something positive there. Barring any injuries, I strongly believe that Bermuda's chances this year of improving on previous World Championship appearances is much better because of our preparation this time around,'' said Mansfield Smith, president of Bermuda Table Tennis Association.

"We have just had two experienced coaches here from the United States to help prepare the team and those of us who have been involved with the players have noticed a higher degree of enthusiasm this time. The squad seem to be more eager.

"And there is also the fact that several members are in better form -- Myron Piper has improved considerably and is having a good year, Alden Ray is having his best year ever, Curtis Hodgson is playing better and team captain Frost is always steady in international competitions.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they exceeded past accomplishments by a Bermuda team.'' Smith felt that help the squad received from coaches Eric Owens and Christian Lillieroos was timely.

And he believed while Bermuda would be no match for table tennis powers such as China, Sweden and Japan, the luck of the draw could help them register at least a couple of wins.

The championships will be held from April 23 to May 6. Travelling with the team as manager is Cal Butterfield.

Japan bound: Bermuda's table tennis squad heading to the World Championships in Osaka -- (from left to right) Myron Piper, Nick Frost, Cal Butterfield (manager), Curtis Hodgson and Alden Ray.