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Mills Creek store a seafarer's dream

outlet, could turn out to be a dream come true for boat enthusiasts. With expert personnel and top-of-the-line equipment in a state-of-the-art facility, the marine parts, accessories and supplies store has everything to make time spent on the water enjoyable. According to Scott Johnson, former powerboat racer and owner of Johnson's Marine Services, such an operation was exactly what he had in mind when he came up with the idea over a year ago. "It started as a thought of mine to have a marine sales department but I wanted a team,'' Mr. Johnson, the store's general manager explained. "So I came up with the idea to make a marine business with state of the art facilities. I really wanted good service and sales so I brought an excellent team together -- John Powell, Steve Powell, Kelly Diel and myself are all co-owners and between John, Steve and myself, we have over 60 years experience in the trade.'' According to John Powell, who also serves as the company's sales manager, Water's Edge Marine Ltd. was created with the boater in mind.

"Basically we represent some of the marine product lines such as the Mercury Outboard and the MerCruiser and Quicksilver parts and accessories,'' he explained. "We also import a lot of marine hardware like bilge pumps, hose, marine resins, fillers, hose clamps, basically all sorts of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) products. We have also set up a spare parts department through which we're trying to cater to some of the DIY trade. "And, what could turn out to be an even greater asset is that we've taken a bit of time, effort and money and put our parts and inventory on a computer system which just happens to be the most advanced of its kind. On it, we can actually push keys and find out what the factory has in stock and do a direct link-up on availability. Before, you would have to wait two days until somebody got back to you on whether a not an engine or part was actually in stock. And as we also specialise in special orders, we can express parts into the Island in only two or three days for most supplies and most types of marine engines.'' Although Water's Edge Marine Ltd. can put any imaginable part or engine in the hands of the professionals, it's a place for the novice as well, said Mr. Johnson. "We're looking to cater to as much as possible of Bermuda's marine trade as well as the DIYers. And with Johnson's Marine Service next door, it's a nice, neat package; a win-win situation -- service and sales together. "We can get our hands on almost anything here. And if we don't have it, we will go out of our way to get it for them. We're here as advisors in the marine business as well as sellers. And with the new marine department that we have here, we're willing to work with everyone from the novice -- the first-time boat buyer, to the more experienced -- those buying their second or third boats.'' Mr. Powell said he has been involved in almost every aspect of the business and can share that expertise with those in need. "I started as a mechanic and sort of advanced to selling boats and engine and products,'' he said. "I also subscribe to a number of magazines to find out information on the field and also attend two main boat shows a year -- the Miami International Boat Show in Miami, Florida, and the Chicago International Trade Show in Chicago Illinois.

We feel that it is important to get out and talk with suppliers and find out what's new in the marine field. And, for our customers, it's nice to be go into a facility and talk to somebody who knows what they're talking about.'' Added Mr. Johnson: "For us, customer service is a real priority. We plan to have a fax-in service line for the sales desk. A lot of tradesmen have very busy schedules but this allows them to fax in their requests for various products so we can put it out and have it ready and waiting for them when they come in to collect it. It saves lot of time.'' According to partner, Steve Powell, clients will receive quality service there and at Johnson's Marine Services. "We're just trying to keep our prices fair and very competitive and to give the customer our best.'' PHOTO Owners of Waters Edge Marine Ltd. From left, general manager Scott Johnson, Steve Powell, controller, Kelly Diel and sales manager, John Powell. Sales manager John Powell keeps informed of the latest equipment through trade shows and fairs.