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Molotov cocktail thrown at St. George?s Police station

Police had their resources put to the test last night with a total of 34 Halloween-related calls in the space of five and a half hours.

The trouble that kicked off at 6.48 p.m mainly featured eggs and other missiles being thrown at vehicles and homes ? although two involved knives.

The most serious incidents in the period up to 11.21 p.m were:

A call at 7.13 p.m to Barker?s Hill, Devonshire, where bricks were dropped on to a passing motor car, causing damage to the windshield.

A Police spokesman said 15 youths were seen running away from the scene. The driver was uninjured.

A call at 7.17 p.m to a man knocked off his bike in Angle Street, Pembroke, by a youth wearing a mask.

He sustained an arm injury believed to have been caused by a bladed weapon. The victim was taken to hospital.

l At 7.52 p.m., officers were called to Middletown Drive, Pembroke, amid reports of 15 youths armed with bats and knives going into a residence looking for someone. They had escaped by the time officers arrived, and no-one was injured.

At 11.21 p.m a Molotov cocktail was thrown at St. George?s Police Station. It ignited, but was quickly extinguished, with no damage caused.

Egg and rock throwing was reported at locations spanning St. David?s to Sandys, with both the bus and taxi services reporting trouble.

There were three arrests made, all in connection with outstanding warrants,

Police had warned in the run up to Halloween night that missile throwing could cause a serious accident, and urged parents to keep their kids under control.

Reserve Police Officers travelled on buses throughout the evening to deter troublemakers, with hoaxers warned that calls to incidents would only be acted upon if the caller gave their details.

Police spokesman Dwayne Caines said late last night: ?We consider it a relatively quiet evening as it relates to serious incidents, and would like to thank the public for adhering to our warnings.?

He also thanked the Police reserves for their efforts.