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Drunk driver fined and banned

pleading guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol.Steven Black, 35, of Third Avenue, was stopped by Police on March 30 on Middle Road in Pembroke.

pleading guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol.

Steven Black, 35, of Third Avenue, was stopped by Police on March 30 on Middle Road in Pembroke.

Police had seen Black swerving from side to side on his motorcycle and he almost collided with the person riding next to him.

When he was stopped, Police noticed Black's eyes were glazed and that he smelled of liquor.

Black was arrested and taken to Hamilton Police Station where he gave two samples of breath for analysis, the lower reading being 220 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, almost three times the legal limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.

Before being sentenced, Black said: "I apologise for the actions that brought me here.'' Acting Senior Magistrate Edward King fined Black $750 and disqualified him from driving all vehicles for one year.

WALL CRASHER FINED CTS Wall crasher fined A Devonshire man was fined $750 in Magistrates' Court for impaired driving after crashing into a wall last month.

Ulicis Point, 25, of Jubilee Road, pleaded guilty to being intoxicated when he drove his bike into a wall on Spring Road in Devonshire on March 25.

Crown Counsel Charmaine Smith said Point identified himself as the rider of the bike to Police when they arrived on the scene.

Police noticed Point's eyes were glazed and his speech was slurred during a conversation with him.

Point denied having anything to drink but a Police breath analyser test revealed his alcohol/blood level was 175 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.

The legal limit is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.

Acting Senior Magistrate Edward King disqualified Point from driving all motor vehicles for 12 months in addition to the $750 fine.

He has to pay the fine in seven days or face 120 days in prison.

FINE FOR DRUNK DRIVER CTS Fine for drunk driver A Devonshire man was fined $750 in Magistrates' Court for impaired driving in March when he nearly smashed into a wall.

Carlos Silva, 39, of Greenwich Lane, pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated in front of Acting Senior Magistrate Edward King.

He nearly smashed into a wall the evening of March 25 when he turned onto Montpellier Road, from Middle Road, on his way home.

Police, who were travelling in the same direction a short distance behind Silva, stopped him and noticed his breath smelled strongly of alcohol, said Crown Counsel Charmaine Smith.

Silva was arrested and taken to the Hamilton Police Station were a breath analyser test indicated his alcohol/blood level was above 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood -- which is the legal limit.

Mr. King fined Silva and disqualified him from driving all motor vehicles for 12 months.

ALLEGED ROBBER BAILED CTS Alleged robber bailed A Southampton man was released on bail yesterday after being charged with using personal violence and a screwdriver to rob another man of $300 on December 14 last year in Warwick.

Craig Kenneth Tucker, 33, was represented by Ed Bailey and was not required to enter a plea as the matter is indictable and will be sent to the Supreme Court.

Prosecutor Juan Wolffe asked that certain reporting conditions be imposed, and after some heated discussion, Acting Senior Magistrate, Edward King ruled that Tucker be released on $2,000 bail with one surety.

He is also required to report to Somerset Police station twice a week between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. between Monday and Friday.