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Work on Sports Centre to begin in February

Government has handed over the lands at Frog Lane to the centre's board of trustees.The board's deputy chairman Mr.

Government has handed over the lands at Frog Lane to the centre's board of trustees.

The board's deputy chairman Mr. Charlie Marshall said the trustees would be putting out a tender for contractors to take down the hillside on the northern side of National Stadium while "a full set of drawings'' were drawn up to present to the Department of Planning.

Mr. Marshall said the tenants who lived on the hillside had been asked to vacate their homes so by the time the contractors were ready to start work they should have moved.

When asked how much construction was expected to cost, Mr. Marshall said: "I haven't got a clue.'' But he said the work would be done in phases.

Mr. Marshall explained that the building would go up first, then the pool and then the other parts of the centre which would all combine to "cater to all the needs of today and the future''.

He said the board's chairman Mr. Donald Lines had some "positive ideas'' for raising funds and all the trustees were anxious to get started now that the "minor headaches were out of the way''.

Mr. Marshall stressed that the Government is going to assist the trustees in making sure that all the people who put money into the project were renumerated satisfactorily at its completion.

MAN FINED FOR DRUNK DRIVING CTS Man fined for drunk driving A 43-year-old St. George's man was yesterday fined $450 for driving while impaired.

Paul Cooper, of Mullet Bay Road, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to the offence.

Police prosecutor Sgt. Donald Grant said Police stopped Cooper on December 12 after they saw him riding his bike in a erratic manner on Mullet Bay Road.

Cooper was unable to stand properly after he got of off his bike, and a half empty bottle of rum was found on him, Sgt. Grant said.

Cooper was taken to the St. George's Police Station after he refused to give a sample of his breath for analysis.

Acting Magistrate the Wor. Cheryl-Ann Mapp fined Cooper and banned him from driving all motor vehicles for a year.

MAN ALLEGEDLY HIT GIRLFRIEND CRM Man allegedly hit girlfriend Police arrested a 33-year-old Paget man after he allegedly punched his girlfriend in the face.

The 35-year-old Pembroke woman was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital with facial injuries.

She told Police she was punched in the face by her boyfriend following an argument at a residence at Shelly Bay around 3 p.m. last Thursday.

Police inquiries into the incident were continuing.