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Taxi driver a menace January 6, 1999

I would like to let the people of Bermuda know that I personally consider the driver of the taxi with licence plate number T1177 to be a careless, dangerous and inconsiderate idiot. Potential passengers should think twice about entering his/her vehicle.

While in Bermuda over the Christmas holiday, I was driving along Middle Road in Paget near the A-1 Grocery Store at approximately midnight on Sunday, December 26. I was surprised to see a single headlight of a motor scooter behind me turn into three headlights as a car approached at a rapid pace. My speed was appropriate for the time of night and in line with two cars further ahead of me.

As we broached the top of the hill heading west past A-1, all of a sudden an older model white station wagon Taxi with licence number T1177 flew past the bike and myself at an unbelievable speed. No sooner was the car passing me than three mopeds were coming towards us around the curve ahead. The driver almost lost control but managed to swerve back into the left lane just a split second from slamming into the bike riders. There was smoke from the car's tires as it swerved. I had to slam on the brakes almost causing the bike behind to crash into me! The taxi then rode on the tail of the two cars ahead until he was able to blast past them and disappear at breakneck speed into the night. As soon as I got home I called the Police to report this incident. I distinctly remember the driver wore some kind of white hat and there was a passenger in the vehicle.

I cannot imagine the horror that would have occurred if that idiot hadn't gotten "lucky'' as he or she sped along that night.

DEREK A.G. JONES Chelsea, Massachusetts Drivers were in danger January 7, 2000 Dear Sir, Through your newspaper I trust my letter will reach the young driver of a silver grey VW Polo registration number 32120.

This morning, Friday, January 7 I (and many others) witnessed your extremely dangerous and atrocious driving. I first saw you at 7.55 a.m. close to Port Royal Fire Station approaching my car from behind and overtaking a long line of traffic travelling in the direction of Hamilton. Your speed was, to say the very least, excessive, and the manner in which you were driving was danderous to everyone around you. I then witnessed you dodging in and out of the line of traffic as far as Barnes Corner, at which point I was very pleased to see you vanish out of my sight (still overtaking).

However, as I was driving along Harbour Road at 8.15 a.m. you pulled out from Manse Road in front of me (I had actually signalled for you to join in the line of traffic, but was horrified when I saw your number plate!). You then proceeded to tailgate the van in front of you as far as the East Broadway roundabout, repeatedly changed lanes along East Broadway as far as the Policeman at the bottom of Spurling Hill, and then proceeded to overtake the line of traffic heading along Front Street.

Your speed and extremely bad driving gained absolutely nothing this morning - you did not arrive at your destination any earlier (if, in fact, you did arrive!) However, you did put a lot of lives at risk, I sincerely hope that you are removed from Bermuda's roads before you cause a serious accident.

RESIDENT Sandys Parish