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Travel pros pitch in to help Sexual Assault Rescue Centre

An organisation dedicated to improving the way sexual assault victims are treated received a generous donation from a local firm this week.

Franklin Travel donated $1,000 to the Sexual Assault Rescue Project to help it purchase the new equipment needed to outfit the special emergency room facility in King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

The money was raised through donating $1 from every air ticket sold during the monthy of December.

"The 16 women on the Franklin Travel team feel this is an area which needs immediate financial assistance. We are committed to doing our part to contribute to this important project,'' said Patti Daly Franklin in a letter to customers.

The Sexual Assault Rescue Project was formed as a result of the need to review the sexual assault programme in Bermuda and concern over the impending retirement of the Island's only trained forensic examiner Dr. Keith Cunningham.

Starla Williams, spokesperson for the project, said the aims of the group include: "creating a more comprehensive programme with a team of certified examiners, a standardised examination kit, fundraising for new equipment and the creation of an examination room in the hospital with more privacy for victims and their families.'' Those aims have been achieved, she said.

In December, 22 local doctors and nurses completed the certification programme created by leading nursing personnel in North America.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. John Cann has since created a medical protocol manual and renovations for a dedicated examination area within hospital are almost complete.

But Ms Williams added: "Other crucial supplies and equipment are still urgently needed in order to get this area operational now, before the next victim experiences not only the indignity of assault but also the lack of privacy and further trauma of being photographed by a Police photographer.'' To the rescue: The Franklin Travel Team (L-R) Sarai Saints, Roxanne Knights, Barbara Spence, and Oneika Salaam present Starla Williams of the Sexual Assault Rescue Project with a cheque for $1,000. The donation is earmarked to help the group set up a response centre at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for victims of sexual assault. The Sexual Assault Rescue Project is also committed to formulating a comprehensive response programme with certified examiners, standardised examination kit and purchasing new equipment. Sixteen staff at Franklin Travel raised the money through donating a portion of proceeds from the sale of airline tickets.