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Age: 29Role: Graphic Designer/Web Designer, eMediaWhat is your job? I come up with creative solutions for clients' marketing and web needs. This includes designing logos, business cards, print ads, posters, flyers, banners, brochures, booklets, web ads, websites and more.

Age: 29

Role: Graphic Designer/Web Designer, eMedia

What is your job? I come up with creative solutions for clients' marketing and web needs. This includes designing logos, business cards, print ads, posters, flyers, banners, brochures, booklets, web ads, websites and more.

What is your favourite part of the job? I just love designing. It's extremely rewarding when I come up with an effective solution to a difficult design problem, especially when I do it on my own.

What is your least favourite part of the job? When people assume that coming up with a clever, effective design only takes five minutes. Sometimes a minimalist, seemingly simple solution can take hours to concept even before the design process has begun.

What is your most interesting experience at work? Being the only male at this company besides Sebastian (our cat), I'm privy to some interesting conversations among my co-workers, most not fit for print. I also provide the male perspective on many issues, my views naturally being met with great opposition. I've learned to tailor my responses carefully.

What would you be doing otherwise? I love music, so I would love to be a lead guitar player in a band or a music producer or audio engineer...something like that.