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Legal Matters

A writ has been filed in the matter of the estate of the late Angel Winston Simons in the matter of an application by Tarita Marla Cartwright and Rohan Christopher Simons as the administrators of the estate of the said Angel Winston Simons, deceased.


A writ has been filed in the matter of the estate of the late Angel Winston Simons in the matter of an application by Tarita Marla Cartwright and Rohan Christopher Simons as the administrators of the estate of the said Angel Winston Simons, deceased.

A writ has been filed in the matter of NRC Reinsurance Company Limited in the matter of section 99 of the Companies Act 1981 in the matter of a scheme of arrangement.

A writ has been filed in the matter of the Partition Act 1855 and 1914 in the matter of property situated at number 13 Random Lane, Warwick WK 03 between Carol Jones (acting as the administrators of the estate of Frederick Jerome Jones, deceased) against Nicole Patrice Jones.


Denton Eugene Outerbridge is applying to incorporate a local company with limited liability to be called Wellington Towers Development Company Limited.


Whitfield International Company Limited. Liquidator Kerri K. Viera.