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Gift ideas galore at Masterworks

Hand-made jewellery by Carmel Furtado on display at Masterworks

?Original Art ? the Perfect Gift!? reads a sign in one of windows of the Masterworks Gallery on Bermuda House Lane.

It sits beside ?Night Sound?, a deep blue acrylic painting by Bruce Stuart with a leaning fence, boats, yellow lights, dark trees and bright stars.

On the other side is ?Security?, an oil painting by Shirley Jones of a child peaking out behind a mother?s sheltering arm and body.

Above it is a stunning close-up turquoise acrylic painting of a broad-leafed succulent by Laura Bell.

The whole window is like a miniature gallery in itself. There?s a small Kevin Morris piece created from strips of other paintings, ?Old YMCA?, an oil painting by Otto Trott and a digital print of two images of the same nude by Matthew Clifford.

?Passing Squalls?, is a fine watercolour by Christopher Marson of boats in a storm and ?St. Andrews?, is a painting of the pink church in Hamilton, by Linda Vickers. Along with the original artwork are displayed posters of art. In another window is a selection of Bermuda books: ?My Bermuda 1, 2, 3?, by Dana Cooper, ?The Bermuda Christmas Tree?, by Kevin Stevenson, illustrated by Helen Daniels amongst others. And more art; there?s ?Bermuda? and oil by Stella Shakerchi filled mostly by a white roof, a bit of sky and a startling red and white tree all done in a chunky palette style.

The third window displays mostly Masterworks Bermudian Collection items like plates, boxes, vases, cards and more posters. Another sign read, ?Thanks to Somersfield Academy for decorating our Gallery.?

There is a small display hanging from the ceiling of gombeys and Christmas ornaments.

The gallery walls are lined with smaller sized artwork. All of the artists exhibited have had shows at Masterworks in the past.

This is the second time gallery manger Diedre Furtado has taken advantage of not having a solo exhibit scheduled to invite a variety of artists to display their work. There are several amazing digital prints by Matthew Clifford of portions of nude bodies.

In #21 it looks like half of a male figure is about to step out of the print. The enhancement of the photograph accentuates the muscles, curves and shadows.

The ink looks like it has been splattered onto the paper without the pixellated effect of most digital prints.

The colouring includes beige, dark green and blue tones giving it a somewhat mottled but pleasing eggshell appearance. Also stunning are two abstract paintings by Laura Bell.

It takes real skill to make browns look good. ?Golden Girl?, has embedded in it under layers of paint what looks like a curving palm fond.

The curve is suggestive of a woman?s seductive form with different browns on each side of it. Grounded is a canvas full of pleasing abstract curves from feathers a few inches long in earth red and brown tones.

There are also several glass display cases with art that leans more to the craft side. There is sterling silver Sea Glass Jewellery by Jennifer Stobo and Christmas tree ornaments with handpainted Bermudians by Robin Trimingham.

Milton Hill Sr. has displayed several Cedar pennants and there is handcrafted jewellery by Carmel Furtado. Kendra Ezekiel has a selection of cards on handmade paper, there are ornament sized banana dolls by Diedre Furtado and native American dreamcatchers by Laurie Hayward.

?Somerset Beach?, is a somewhat abstract watercolour painting by Christopher Marson that has more of a suggestion of what?s there than actual details. ?Bowl?, by Kok Wan Lee is another stunning abstract in red, pink, orange and purple with a hint of green and the mere suggestion of a bowl.

There are also several abstracts by Stella Shakerchi in a variety of styles. Definitely realistic is Linda Vickers ?It?s Abby?s M.M.?, of her first experience of pony harness racing ? you can taste the dust.

?Twilight?, is a pastel by Shirley Jones of a woman on a beach looking across to stormy skies. There is a huge variety of work now on display at Masterworks making a very interesting collection. This work will be on display at Masterworks on Bermuda House Lane until February 19, 2004.