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Man stole grandparents’ jewellery

A 20-year-old man has admitted stealing over $5,500 worth of gold jewellery from his grandparents.

John Johnson, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to stealing a gold charm bracelet, a gold coin, a gold chain, three gold rings and a gold wristwatch valued at a total of $5,675.

Johnson then sold his grandparents’ valuables to the shop Cash 4 Gold for $400, prosecutor Cindy Clarke told the court.

Johnson’s grandparents, who have had “difficulty” with him in the past, suspected their grandson had stolen the jewellery after noticing their house on Middle Road, Warwick, had been broken into on January 16, Ms Clark told Magistrates’ Court this morning.

Police subsequently arrested Johnson and he admitted the offence.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner remanded Johnson into custody and adjourned the trial until March 25, pending an updated Social Inquiry Report.