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Man admits posing as Belco repairman

A social inquiry report was ordered yesterday for a thief who gained entry into people's houses by pretending to be a Belco repairman.

Troy Anthony Ming, 37, of Warwick Close, elected to be tried in Magistrates' Court rather than Supreme Court. He pleaded guilty to two counts of intending to steal and one count of theft, but he denied three counts of intending to steal and one further count of theft.

The court heard that Ming went to Mildred Outerbridge's Warwick home on March 22 and told her he was a Belco employee who needed to check her house after a recent power surge.

After checking the meter outside, Ming said he needed to go in the house and check the sockets. He left about 30 minutes later and Ms Outerbridge found that $134 was missing from a bedroom.

Ming admitted intending to steal from Ardleigh Young of Paget on April 3 when a maid working at the house let him in after he said he needed to check it after a power surge.

He was not wearing Belco clothing but did have a clipboard and an electric metre. The maid, who was suspicious, asked him to leave a note saying he had checked the house for surge complications.

On April 3, Ming went to Cora Charles' Paget home and said he was a Belco employee who needed to check the house after a power surge.

He told Ms Charles to stay in the bedroom with the television on to make sure it was working properly while he checked the house.

Ming left the house and was later seen by Police, who had his description, on North Street in Pembroke at 6.05 p.m. and he was arrested.

Police went to his house with a search warrant and found two electric current metres and a clipboard that he used to gain entry into the homes as a Belco employee.

He was positively identified in an ID parade by Ms Outerbridge.

Ming denied stealing a gold medallion and chain valued at some $750 from John Pavia of Smith's Parish.

He also pleaded not guilty to several charges of intent to steal from Elizabeth Redford of Smith's Parish on March 27, from Margrett Spencer Arscott in Smith's Parish on April 1 and from Trudi Ann Pugh of Paget on April 3.

Prosecutor Cindy Clark told the court that Ming had two previous convictions for dishonesty.

Ming told the court that he was fully employed with a 10-year-old son.

He said he had been out of trouble for several years and had been fighting an addiction to drugs.

He added that he was very ashamed of what he had done, not only to himself, but to his wife and son and was trying to get back on track.

Ming also asked for forgiveness from everyone he had harmed.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner ordered a social inquiry report for Ming and noted that he was "a real risk to society''.

He said, "I will keep you in custody until we try you as we can't risk another crime spree.'' A trial date was set for April 26.