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Suppressing journalismMay 7, 2009Dear Sir,

Suppressing journalism

May 7, 2009

Dear Sir,

It is a sad day when a Government takes steps to try and control how the media does its job.

I am a retired broadcast journalist who spent 42 years, many of them in Bermuda as News Director at ZBM, and never have I seen such measures taken to try and suppress what journalists can report.

First it will be The Royal Gazette and Mid Ocean News...then who is next?


Belleville, Ontario

Obama's media attitude

May 12, 2009

Dear Sir,

I read with great amusement the American President Barack Obama's comment at the gala fundraising dinner for journalistic scholarships held in Washington DC last Saturday night as reported in The Royal Gazette today (May 11): "A government without newspapers, a government without a tough and vibrant media of all sorts is not an option for the United States of America," he said.

Apparently, our Premier, Dr Ewart Brown, much as he professes to admire Mr Obama, would disagree? He wants his own personal PR dept and would seek to get rid of any media that disagrees with him. So, perhaps he and Mr Obama aren't soulmates after all? Yet he professes to admire the American President so much; it would be good for democracy in Bermuda if he were to perhaps espouse some of the latter's policies with regard to freedom of the press and free speech in general (including for PLP supporters) rather than his much-in-evidence "shoot the messenger" (or rather "seek-out-and-destroy the messenger by whatever-means-possible") approach.


Hamilton Parish

Limiting the information

May 7, 2009

Dear Sir,

This letter is not meant to be an endorsement or condemnation of either The Royal Gazette, The Mid-Ocean News or the Government. It is about the negative effects that the Premier's attempt to limit information going to the newspapers can have on the Bermuda public. Equally as important are the concerns about the livelihood of the employees who work for the aforementioned media.

It is obviously the Premier's view that the aforementioned newspapers are not objective and fair in their presentation of news when it comes to the PLP Government. How will lack of information going to the newspapers from the Government (whether it is in the form of statements or responses to questions from the media) resolve the issue? If the feeling is that the public is being fed one-sided, inaccurate or untrue information through the newspapers now, then lack of information from Government could cause an even worse situation. As we all know, people will talk and the newspapers have a duty to print what they deem to be newsworthy. We, the people of Bermuda, should be exposed to all of the available information from which we can make our own informed decisions on what or what not to believe. People have a right to know! Let the people decide how to handle the available information. This is a democracy.

What long term effects will the Premier's policy have on the newspapers' employees? Will there be reorganising and layoffs at the newspapers because Government Ministries have already been ordered to curtail advertising in The Royal Gazette?

These issues need to be resolved for the good of all.



My oath to Premier

May 11, 2009

Dear Sir,

I would like to publicly announce my oath of loyalty to Dr. Brown. He didn't ask it of me, and I'm certain he does not know who I am. But nonetheless, I feel compelled to make it known to all that I pledge my allegiance to the shining saviour that has been elected to serve the people of Bermuda: white and black, rich and poor, young and old.

I would encourage all people – Bermudians, and non-Bermudians, residents and non-residents to do the same. It might even be helpful to sign an oath for all deceased family members on their behalf. I would hate for anybody, especially Dr. Brown, to think that my great-grandfather didn't give his undying (or is it dying?) support to the Premier. How embarrassing!




P.s. Please note that my oath of loyalty is contingent upon Premier Doctor Brown signing a similar oath to Her Majesty the Queen of England.

Remember who you serve

May 6, 2009

Dear Sir,

As a Bermudian (and a registered voter) I am shocked and appalled by the latest move of the Premier: asking Cabinet Ministers to sign an oath of loyalty to him. I am just as shocked and appalled by the Ministers that may have agreed to sign such a document.

When these Cabinet Ministers became MPs, they took an oath to serve the interests of the Bermudian people. This latest request by the Premier clearly contradicts the objective of all publicly elected officials; to serve the people, not the leader.

Unfortunately Cabinet Ministers have had a similar conflict of interest since their salaries were increased to $100,000 (on top of their $50,000 salary as a MP) several years ago. This $100,000 is clearly a disincentive to speak out against the Premier (and therefore lose your role within Cabinet) as Mr. Horton, Mr. Perinchief and others can surely attest to.

We can only hope that all MPs remember who they serve.


St. George's

A climate of fear

May 8, 2009

Dear Sir,

I hope that every Bermudian will have read Pat Ferguson's letter entitled "Back on the Plantation" in The Royal Gazette of May 5. Pat's letter was nothing short of brilliant and she said all of the things that I (and I am sure many others) wanted to say but cannot – either we don't have the courage or the flair. There is definitely a climate of fear permeating throughout this Island and people are afraid to speak under this regime.

Pat always seems to hit the nail on the head, and I often wonder myself if there are any decent right-thinking PLP supporters who actually read Pat's letters and agree with her. Indeed, it is hard to disagree as she only speaks the truth, giving all of the documented facts. Do any of you PLP supporters ever wonder what is happening to all of the millions being squandered by this Government? What is our Finance Minister thinking about when she has allowed $28 million to be paid to Global Hue – the company who was already overpaid by $1.8 million; this money is still unaccounted for. Isn't our Finance Minister supposed to keep tags on the taxpayers' money? What on earth is she doing?

I also wonder about the rest of the PLP Ministers and MPs. How can you allow this to go on – your very silence has tainted you. It appals me to hear complaints about the UBP, as they were decent representatives of our country and there was very little scandal during their tenure. Now, almost every single day, we are confronted with yet another scandal perpetrated by this Government – it is sickening. The UBP ran this country for 33 years with dignity. Now Bermuda has become a laughing stock. Is this what the PLP voters and representatives really want?

The PLP's behaviour has really denigrated this beautiful Island, which (many years ago) was the envy of the world.



Nice gesture, Minister!

May 11, 2009

Dear Sir,

Intrigued by the number of young people (about 20) dining at La Trattoria this evening, we asked where they were from and why were they in Bermuda?

This school comes to Bermuda each year (staying at Rosedon) to study our banking systems, hedge funds, reinsurance etc. It appears Bermuda is a model location for these types of studies for young people! What an exciting find!

Since Minister Dale Butler was in the restaurant at a meeting at the time, we asked him to give them a special welcome, which was spontaneous and appreciated by the student visitors and their professor.

Isn't it interesting to find your financial wizards-to-be, from the great USA, actually learning a lot in an island just 20 square miles in size, with a population of 60,000 plus. So what is the big deal? These youngsters will go back home and say we met a Government Minister in Bermuda who shared a little of Bermudian hospitality with them!

That type of greeting costs nothing but we feel sure will go a long way.

